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Teaching without worksheets... budget for schools reduced!
a isabel
Teaching without worksheets... budget for schools reduced!
Hi dear colleagues,
Will you please give me some ideas to start a new school year with teens - level 0-German (7 hours per week and level 5 English - 180 munutes per week - without being allowed to make copies - unless you pay for them?
OHP ? asking pupils to print the copies at home if you send them to their mails? Please give me as many suggestions /techniques as possible! Thanks for your inspiration and I hope you spare some minutes for me!
16 Sep 2010
Last year I sent my ss the ws through emails, they printed and did at home and we corrected in class.
This year I provided a blog for each class, in which I post the ws for download and some directions, they print and do at home, we correct in class.
(BTW, check your email inbox, I �ve sent you a new message...)
Hope it helps |
16 Sep 2010
Hello Isabel
I�m also trying to reduce copying this year, so here are my ideas: 1) dictate the exercises, esp. good for listenings and picture dictations 2) if they have books, let them copy a text from the book but leaving out words, thus creating a gap fill exercise 3) as for the german beginner classes: have them create their own domino to practise vocabulary and picture dictations 4) here are some excellent ideas for minimal resources: 5) also very good idea and adabtable to other topics: also check out eslflow�s other categories 6) low resource games:
Hope it helps
16 Sep 2010
hi, i was in the same situation as you last semester in the school where i was teaching. my question is if you are not able to get copies because of the school budget or because of trying to cut back on the use of paper? if it is only a matter of budget what i would do is explain to my students that the worksheets that i wanted to give them were to improve the course which i was giving them and i explained that it would be very difficult for me to absorb the costs so i would ask them to please give me 5 pesos each for copies for the semester 5 pesos is a very low quantity of money but it helped me to get the copies out of the school and bring them to class. i dont know if this could be of any help to you but it is how i had to do it. :)
ime |
17 Sep 2010
Hello Isabel, Bom dia,
My college has a similar money-saving policy. Does your school have a projector that will connect to a computer? Make your Worksheet into a computer File, ( �Word � or �PowerPoint �, for example), connect the Computer to the Projector and project the file up onto the screen on the wall for all the students to see. I do this frequently. The students see an enlarged picture of the file up on the screen, in colour if you wish.
Sometimes students can use the school �s printing system, (in the School Library, for example), to print off work, either free, or for a small price. E-mail the students the file as an Attachment. They can either read it on their computer, or print it for home study.
Print off one copy of the Worksheet. Give it to a student who can scan it and then print copies to give or sell to other students cheaply.
You have 30 students, (for example). Ask the students to pay one pound (�1) each to buy a cheap printer and 500 sheets of paper, for thirty pounds, (for example), for the class to use as a classroom printer. Have a system for checking how many sheets each student uses.
If you have access to a computer with a large screen, show the file and 5 or 6 students can sit round the computer and read it.
If you have an A3 printer, or your school can print posters, print it as a poster and put it up on the wall for everyone to see. Some computers have a Program which permits you to print �Posters� on 2, or 4, or 9, or 16 separate A4 sheets, and then you must glue them together into one big poster. It really works well.
Do more pairwork, small group work --- one Worksheet for several students. Use re-useable resources.
Use more TV, video, CD, and cassettes.
All the best.
Les Douglas |
17 Sep 2010
In argentina at state schools we aren�t given any money and students do not pay for the copies, we have to pay for them. At the schools where I work, I can not ask for any book so, i have to take the copies and pay for them- It is very sad but it is our reality.... I try to make copies smaller, two per page and most of the times, I print them in my house which is cheaper than taking copies ..... :(
17 Sep 2010
I forgot to tell you.. I have said this before in the forum, but I usually ask in some offices where my friends work and they give me sheets of paper which are one- sided written and I print on them. So I only have to pay for the ink... I wish I had the possibility of taking schools everything I would like!
have a nice friday!
17 Sep 2010
Boa tarde,
I forgot to suggest this.
Find suitable exercises on the Internet. Give all your students that Internet address. They log on and work on the exercise directly on to the computer.
As someone else has kindly suggested, when you print your Worksheets, on the Printer page, click on �Pages per Sheet � and you can have 2, (or more) pages on one Worksheet. It saves paper and printing. It �s difficult for students with poor eyesight, but it �s normally OK.
My college has a system for recycling paper. When we have �incorrect � printed sheets, we put them in the recycling box. If I wanted some free paper, I would take them out of the box and re-use the sheets which had one white side.
Think about �old-fashioned � ways of �printing � and teaching --- a rotary ink duplicator with wax skin (Roneo, Gestetner); a hectograph using jelly and ink with hand-written work; a slide projector with photographs of Work-sheets; an Epidiascope projecting an image of a book; an OverHead Projector using transparencies of Worksheets; a film projector; text books; dictionary work; students keep a personal "Vocabulary Book".
Look on the Internet for �Free Offers �, and for commercial verb wheels, for learning verbs.
As I said previosly, try to be imaginative --- use �realia � (real objects); maps; posters; role-play; drama; films; recorded TV programmes; videos; recorded radio programmes; etc. Make items which are �re-useable �.
Use more �Chalk and Talk � or Whiteboard work and get your students to use the Board also, for practice in writing and speaking.
I hope this helps.
Les Douglas. |
17 Sep 2010
a isabel
Thanks a lot to all of those who bothered to give me so many suggestions to deal with the reduction of budget we are going through! Have a nice schook year!
17 Sep 2010