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a new adventure- Spanish
a new adventure- Spanish
Hi people, how are you? I need your help once again.
This school year I decided to embrace a new adventure and I �m going back to university to take a degree in Spanish. I �ve already seen that some members of this community had suggested a lot of spanish sites but now I want to know if u can suggest some good grammar books and others interesting stuff. I don �t know Spanish and I have to start from the beginning, can u help me?
Thanks a lot in advance
Feel free to send me a private message
16 Sep 2010
Olindalima ( F )
hi dear Morgan
Wishing you a star road in this new adventure.I can �t give a hand, my Spanish stops in Badajoz and Gerez de la Frontera, more or less; there are 2 teachers of Spanish in my school, don �t know them very well, but if you desperately need help, I can ask if they can be some way helpfull.
All the best, go ahead, the spinning world never stops Good luck Linda
16 Sep 2010
Dear morgan: you should try some books from Daniel Cassany, he is a Spanish linguist and he has some pages too. Sorry to answer, but I am from Argentina, but I am also an English Spanish teacher. Good luck:!!!! |
17 Sep 2010
There are lots of reference books you can read, but firstly I would choose those which have in their title the word ELE (spanish as a second language) because they start from the beginning.
Furtheremore, I studied spanish filology and I teach Spanish and English, too and I would recommend you this book:
An�lisis morfol�gico,teor�a y pr�ctica, by Leonardo Gomez Torrego SM editorial.
I use it with my pupils and it works. I hope I had helped you...
Truji78 |
17 Sep 2010
Hello morganalin
I started with Spanish about 4 years ago and took the DELE intermedio Exam last year. I�m a book fanatic and you should see the pile of books I�ve accumulated in the process. I started with a basic self study course by Langenscheidt, which is a German publisher, so I�m not sure if that�s of any use for you, but nevertheless it�s an excellent introduction. Maybe you can find sth. similar in Portugal or the internet. I know that the Cervantes institute has a virtual aula, but you have to pay: but there are also free websites. As for grammar practice books and exam preparation: Spanish Grammar Drills and Advanced Spanish Grammar by Rogelio Alonso Vallecillos (McGraw Hill) - descriptions + pages of exercises (very good) Uso de la gram�tica espa�ola (elemental/intermedio/avanzado) by Francisca Castro (edelsa) - descriptions + exercises (good) El Cron�metro (EdiNumen) - exam preparation (very good) Preparaci�n al Diploma de Espa�ol (all Levels) - see
Hope it helps and good luck, Jana
17 Sep 2010