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Games, activities and teaching ideas > International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Homeless Turtle
International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Ahoy me hearties! Me�d like t � wish
e �erybody out thar a happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day, gar! If yar not sure what this be, tis � a day when you celebrate e �erythin � piratey by
speakin � like the great and honerable gentleman o fortune of long ago. Also, if
you don �t know what this be, then yar a lilly li�ard lanlubber, and yud be
deservin to walk the plank! Gar, me was wonderin � if
any o � you had any pirate themed lessons or ideas for class? Me students have finished thar exams and tis � time
t � relax and have a fun lesson, gar!
18 Sep 2010

Avast, ye swabs! Uz modern pirates talk Somali now...shiver me timbers (them that dies �ll be the lucky ones, yarrr!). |
18 Sep 2010

Homeless Turtle
Garr, me be thankin ye fer all yer fine help me hearties! May the fortunes of Neptune shine brightest on ye, fairwinds and followin seas, garr! |
19 Sep 2010