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Games, activities and teaching ideas > game to practice simple past
game to practice simple past
game to practice simple past
Hello!!!!!!!! how are you?
I was trying to look for a very fun game to practice the simple past with my younger students. Tomorrow we are celebrating students � day here in Argentina, we don �t have classes so at school we have to prepare some activities with our students to celebrate their day on Wednesday. that �s why I need a fuuuuuuun game, so in that way, they �re learning and playing. I �m clueless, could you help me?
20 Sep 2010
MIME: divide students into two teams, students mime a card for their team.
easy version: show a verb flash card. I count down from ten as they mime and according to when the team
gets the past verb they get the corresponding points.
hard version: write sentences on cards, eg Yesterday I went to the beach. Yestersay I ate an enormous pizza. Ss mime the whole sentence. Give them 2 minutes for example.
great fun!
20 Sep 2010
great ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you soooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!
20 Sep 2010
Great cooperation, thanks all |
20 Sep 2010