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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Word of the Day - answer and tomorrow īs setter
Word of the Day - answer and tomorrow īs setter
Word of the Day - answer and tomorrow īs setter
houghmagandy = (humorous) adulterous sexual intercourse, fornication.
And tomorrow īs setter will be Silke (Lina Ladybird)
BTW - it īs an incredibly difficult job to choose the funniest, wittiest etc definition. I could scarcely believe the creativity and wonderful linguistic contortions. Hats off to everyone!
(Leonidas (Raquel): you īll never know how close you were to the truth - I once met Noam Chomsky in Brechin īs Bar in Govan, Glasgow...)
22 Sep 2010
He is the only linguist I can imagine with a pint in his hand :) Anyway, I won īt imagine him whispering this word to his wife NOW that I know its meaning :D
22 Sep 2010
Okay, now we know who won, but what was the winning definition? Would it be possible to (re)post the funniest definition here because I don īt really want to waste precious surfing time searching for the post. |
22 Sep 2010