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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > Word of the Day - Second Shift
Word of the Day - Second Shift
Word of the Day - Second Shift
Dear Colleagues,
The word is:
Here is a link to what I wrote yesterday (my time) so that it �s currently available to everyone.
We �ve had some cracking definitions, so --- now it �s your turn!
"Word of the Day" |
Hello, everybody.
Silke has done me the great compliment of asking me to choose the next "Word of the Day".
I �m a bit of an antidisestablishmentarianism person myself, but this is the first time that I have been honorificabilitudinitatibus, and I find myself unable to speak.
However, I must try to choose an appropriate word.
Tell me, colleagues, who, or what, is:
a quiddler (noun)
Submit your definitions. The dafter, the better. You know the rules. I will choose from among the submissions the wittiest one, and that person gets to choose the subsequent "Word of the Day". But no cheating! No dictionaries or surfing the Internet.
Good Luck!
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23 Sep 2010
May be that �s a guy who caught squids for a living and who finally got tired of his job so one day he just quid and since then his crew mates call him quiddler Sophia |
23 Sep 2010
Quid isn �t the slang for Pound? So quiddler is someone who looks for Pounds :-) |
23 Sep 2010
OOH, this is easy....
One of the words to become fashionable in "New Age� circles
It is a denomination for someone who registered for the art therapy class " quilting without thinking" where you make quilts, combining colors and patterns instinctively in order to get a better insight into your �id �.
Since the �id �, according to Freud, is the most basic form of ourself, before ego and super ego, quilting without thinking would allow you to explore your most basic instincts and drives, including but not limited to the before mentioned color- and shape associations as well as the urge to quit this annoying class and still get credit for being on a spiritual path to self-knowing.
quiddler = someone who explores the �id � through quilting. |
23 Sep 2010
Quiddler comes from the latin word: quidam, meaning � �chap � �. Therefore a quiddler must be someone with some authorities who gathers anonymous men off the streets for some reasons of his own. |
23 Sep 2010
Lina Ladybird
Actually, the original word used to be "squiddler", but over the centuries the "s" has worn off for some unknown reason.
Very young human beings are called toddlers, because they "toddle", and very young squids which can hardly swim have always been referred to as squiddlers.
Nowadays, the outdated word squiddler as well as the newer term quiddler have almost become extinct. However, the latter is still being used by a couple of marine biologists.
23 Sep 2010