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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Ideas for school distinguished activities?
Ideas for school distinguished activities?
Ideas for school distinguished activities?
Hello everyone, I �m a teacher of English for Arab students . I teach students of age 13 - 15 . They are beginners in English . I need ideas for suitable , nice and distinguished activities for English Club or magazines to do through this year ..For Example, I made a competition in English on powerpoint. Do you have ideas or projects that I can or work it with my students in a way that help them improve their English.
Thanks alot for your co-operation.
23 Sep 2010
Hello, I �m from El Salvador. I did an activity with my students called "Food competition". They were studying about food and countable and uncountable nouns. They had to prepare an special meal, show it to the class, say the ingredients and also say if the ingredients were countable or uncountable. Well...I hope that this activity could help you, good luck with your students bye
24 Sep 2010