�a quiddler�
We had some superb definitions, often based on the word �quid�, which is slang for the British �1. Several had me laughing out loud. Here is just a small selection.
A counterfeiter of pound notes. A diddler of quids: a quid -diddler = quiddler.
It comes from the latin Quid pro Quo which means something like give and take. A quiddler describes most of the people in the reported worksheets section. A quiddler is someone who takes from society and gives back only what is worthless or belonging to another.
A quiddler is a person that barters using the Quiddle system - an ancient and obscure English system of exchange that used quiddles, which were a fraction of the quid, and looked (and tasted) like chocolate coins. Because of this similarity to the foil wrapped candy coin of today, the quiddle quickly became "extinct" as people preferred to eat the coins than barter with them.
�Thank You� to all who took part. Your entries were all so good. After lots of thought, I have chosen Moravc�s effort. This description is uncannily close to the original � and we have all met a student who is a �quiddler�, haven�t we?
A quiddler is a lazy person who quits any activity after a while / or if he gets bored / tired...
Quiddlers are students - lazybones who do as little as possible, never put much effort into homework and studying and so when they grow up they are paid just a few quid...
The real definition is:
A person who hangs around wasting time at work and making conversation with people who are working.
Congratulations! I look forward to the next �Word of the Day�.