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Ask for help > How can I get my CDs from back home?
How can I get my CDs from back home?
How can I get my CDs from back home?
I �m teaching in Taiwan at the moment, and as well as learning some Chinese, I �m also attending some Spanish classes so that I don �t forget what I learnt. I have some CDs back home which I need to listen to for practice, but I would probably cost more than their value to post them here. Additionaly, the files are two big to e-mail. Is there any way of uploading the CDs to a particular website so that I could download them on to my mp3 player here? Any suggestion would be welcome (especially a website that you can use for free!). |
1 Oct 2010
Is the a reputable site, i.e. no problems with viruses? |
1 Oct 2010
I �ve downloaded from that site (mediafire) and haven �t had any problems, but that was from an account for a group of English teachers in my area. Maybe someone else will have experience with a personal account? |
1 Oct 2010
I agree, mediafire is the best. It is reliable and safe as far as I know. I �ve been using it for years. There are other file sharing/storing sites but I have not tested them.
1 Oct 2010
I agree, there are no problems with it. Lots of popups though. Just make sure your antivirus is running as it should be all the time. |
1 Oct 2010
Mediafire is the best. I have an account and stored more than 1500 files. It �s free and very easy to use. |
1 Oct 2010