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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Word of the Day, winner
Word of the Day, winner
Word of the Day, winner
A short reminder:
Today �s word of the day is
You have one more hour to send in your personal suggestions, then the winner will be declared.
Or, since you seem to be in the playing mood, how about another prolongation game loke Anita started last week...?
edit: It goes like this: One person says a word, the next
person repeats it and adds ONLY ONE word of his/her own to prolongue a
sentence. The sentence can be stopped at any time, and a new one can be
started. The key thing is to keep the story going. So if Peter says A, I
would say A man, and Sarah would say A man walked... etc. How about it?
Up for a challenge??? (from the thread I gave below)
I �ll give you a stimulus...
2 Oct 2010
Yesterday... the last day that you called today tomorrow. |
2 Oct 2010
Olindalima ( F )
Yesterday I decided to go to the kitchen and bake a delecious cake.
( not sure what you are tryingPoohbear )
2 Oct 2010
Then you realized you ran out of flour. "How can I make a cake without flour?"" you said to yourself. " I guess I have to go ask some flour as I don �t feel like shopping today." You felt that way because you had some podobrohydrosis - a disease that affects your feet (podo) and can be fixed with . DROSIS is a suffix - it tells us that the previous word is a disease. (also see Hyperhidrosis).
2 Oct 2010
Olindalima ( F )
Yesterday I decided to go to the kitchen and bake a delecious cake. Then you realized you ran out of flour. "How
can I make a cake without flour?"" you said to yourself. " I guess I
have to go ask some flour as I don �t feel like shopping today."
So, I went to Sylvie �s and
Knock, knock
Who �s there? -Sylvie asked.
2 Oct 2010
OK, folks, let �s stop this for today, you �ve proved enough wit for today. I have to go, but not without passing on the baton to the next lucky winner!
The answers can be found here:
The real meaning of my word is
And the winner is
She showed so much wit in her knock knock game, and her definition made me crack up: So she�s the witty queen today!
Hiya Petra!
Bombilations! This is a nice word!! Latin , again! =
pod = for i-pod
o- bro = shortened for �Oh! Brother �
m = Hmm... = Not sure
hydro = water
-sis = Serious matter!
ie = Podobromhydrosis = " Oh! Brother! I �m not sure, but I think you �ve dropped your i-pod into the water again!"
( my deepest apologies to i-pods or/and brothers I might have offended! )
Sylvie Congratulations and thanks for playing everyone!
2 Oct 2010
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