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I īm a topic!
I īm a topic!
Thanks to my biggets fan Stexts, you īre awesome and I īm a cultural icon now! And to answer your crab question, he īs alive. |
3 Oct 2010
Hi Dear Cauffeepot,
Its good to hear from you...........I have a Question for you? What is the gender of your Crab? because your statement says he. Are you 120% sure Cauffeepot. Does it have two holes or multiple crosses? please check!!! you may have a girl . And it īs wonderfull news to hear your grab is alive. REDBULL GIVES YOU WINGS YOU KNOW . |
3 Oct 2010
Morning! You īre much more than that, dear Cauffee! |
3 Oct 2010
...and a verb: to quote ījust cauffeepotting � |
3 Oct 2010
my crab is staring into the heat lamp. He īs going to burn his little crab corneas. I assume Checkers is a he, and he hasn īt said anything to the contrary. Maybe he īs like my frogs, and he can change from a he to a she at will. At least I īve kept this one alive for more than a week.
Yes, I am a verb, too. Look me up in the dictionary, I īm glueing in my picture right now! lol Good morning, my lovely stexstme! |
3 Oct 2010