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Missing teachers
Missing teachers
What about our Masters here?
Frenchdog, Godnesses, Icha and the others????
Miss reading you as there was always something new, interesting. You have made me do research and learn more...
Hope you come back soon...
2 Dec 2008
I agree Ladybird - but what would help is a Teachers discussion board.
This is a forum board and discussions are quickly swept off this board with all the points and stolen WS complaints - among other things.
I guess the real teacher discussions end in discussion heaven - because once they leave this "front" page - the discussion stops.
I�ve started 3 discussions within the last 2 weeks, and the discussions died the minute they left this page.- all of them about teaching conditions, teaching methods and materials and other things pertaining to our field. If we had a discussion board where the discussions stayed for a while, new people could join in. L
2 Dec 2008
I think if there is a true need for something here, that Victor would be happy to hear about it. He, too, is a teacher, and I�m sure any really good suggestions to improve this site would be appreciated. Where else can talented teachers share not only materials, but also their experiences as teachers?
By the way, Dr. Phil said on television that the most important persons, who were underrated and underpaid were teachers and nurses! *S*
2 Dec 2008
Dear Ladybird!
I couldn�t have said it better! I�ve often thought about how much emphasis is put on producing products and not on producing well educated and well functioning human beings.
I truly believe that the way out of poverty, war, hate, crime, drugs, prejudice and more, is a good education. It is a key that opens the door to all the dreams a child can have. Without education, the future looks very bleak.
Just think if everyone had an education that gave them the possibility to wake up each morning and be happy about their lives and their jobs. Because with an education, that should be possible.
2 Dec 2008
I really miss these teachers who have belonged here for long and who have shared a lot with us. I am NOT talking about worksheets. Have no idea where you read that. I was talking about their appearing here posting interesting questions and answers. Their opinions would be enriching when added to the others.
You can do what you like. I call them Masters which does not mean others are not! I cannot understand why it upsets you so! ...or I do...? "Again, it is quite obvious that I seem to have a different opinion on some issues..." This, as well as your complete answer, sound more like a personal question... I do not take positions here and DO believe in how important it is to share opinions when they are different. You always get something new from the exchange. Nobody has to get upset for disagreeing...or nobody should.
I can see how some people cannot accept more than what they have "heard"...but give no ground for what they say. What�s more, they even doubt when you are quoting serious sources so...I think I cannot take this seriously. Sorry.
Maybe I�d better keep in a corner like many people here. Now I understand them well.
Have a relaxing night
2 Dec 2008
alien boy
There is, of course, already the Techniques and methods in Language Teaching thread available. I know I check the thread headings (at the bottom of the home page, for example) to see if there is anything that particularly interests me in the current & older threads. I am sometimes very tempted to add a comment to older discussions. I may just do that anyway from now on & see if anyone else answers - that way it is at least contiguous.
Do you know if we can do a search of posts/discussion threads (I haven�t had the time to check this oout yet).
B-) |
2 Dec 2008
marcia chaves
Good morning!
It�s interesting to read this subject here.
Ladybird: I totally agree with you!!
There�s a great number of users who have some interesting worksheets to contribute. They are important too!!!
It�s really hard to read � I am always looking forward to your new worksheets�; �Teachers like you are rare nowadays�; �You are perfect�; �You are the number 1� when are uploading a new worksheet. It gives us the impression that our work isn�t and will never be as good as these ones. I KNOW we have excellent teachers sharing incredible worksheet but I DO BELIEVE there are MANY teachers here with amazing worksheets that deserve to be praised.
I think that when we focus on special users we miss the other users� contributions. I appreciate all their efforts!!!
I�m trying to give my opinion here, I�m not taking positions. I do believe it�s important to share opinions and I don�t want to be afraid of giving mine.
Hugs from Brazil |
2 Dec 2008