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Ask for help > Problem with the points
Problem with the points
Problem with the points
First of all, I �m so glad to become a member of this site and I appreciate all the great works by other dedicated teachers. It �s really an excellent platform for us to share our ideas and teaching material.
I can �t wait to upload some of my works to the site every day and see my points increase. However, my points didn �t increase these two days even though my work has been downloaded 7 times. I �m a bit worried. Can anyone answer me why? Thank you so much.
Lester |
5 Oct 2010
Hi Lester,
Welcome to the site. No need to worry, this is a friendly place! The new points are added the next day, midnight, Spanish time. Be patient, the points will come tomorrow. Lots of people ask the same question - even on the forum page. Scroll down and you �ll see the other answers. Have a great day Petra
5 Oct 2010
Now THAT �s a polite enquiry - thank you, Lester, and welcome. You have to wiat 24, sometimes 48 hours until your points are debited They �re there, somewhere, but you can �t see and use them yet. It �s all in the FAQ section
5 Oct 2010
Ni hao, Lester
As of midnight (Thailand time) yesterday, the automatic points system has been halted. New submissions will now need to be downloaded 3000 times before any points can be claimed. Claims forms will need to be sent (in triplicate) to the following email address: [email protected]. Sorry for the inconvenience.
5 Oct 2010
Olindalima ( F )
L �enfant terrible est arriv�.
Thanks Frank, it �s always a pleasure to have some fun around. I bet @gmail will go bankrupt in a few days. Linda
5 Oct 2010
Thanks so much for your replies (including PhilipR �s).
I �m relieved. By the way, I have to say that the worksheets designed by you guys are so fantastic. Very useful and colourful. I must learn from all of you and design some good works to be shared with other users as well.
Lester |
5 Oct 2010
I saw this quote once (and I won �t tell you where) and it has made me a little more tolerant of people. "That which you are, I was. That which I am, you will be." |
5 Oct 2010
Ed, isn�t that from The Bible or is it Hunter S. Thompson or is it from "Danse Macabre" |
5 Oct 2010
This quote is above the gate to a graveyard near Třeboň (lake area in the South of the Czech republic)... But it is also in Brno in the crypt, just above the mummies... So true...
5 Oct 2010
Olindalima ( F )
I appologize if I have said something wrong. This is my way, I always try to see the funny side of things and leave aside what is darker, less interesting, more boring, more of the same.
Ed, I didn �t intend to hurt anyone, but, sometimes, I think, this forum gets overcrowded with more and more of the same.
Frank put a funny note, I caught the same train, just trying to keep things on a fair level. If we laugh about ourselves, so, then, everything is ok, isn �t it?
After reading your comment ( Ed �s) and Moravc �s, I am not sure if I didn �t cross the red line, with my silly comment. If I did, please, believe, no intention.
5 Oct 2010
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