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trinity exams
trinity exams
hiya everyone.. first of all (as i dont have time to do it everytime i dowload) i want to say thank you for your ws and your comments on the forum, they are really important to me. i take note of every single website and material that you advise us to have a look.
im an english teacher in spain, ive taught in england for a few years too but this is my first time preparing my students for a trinity exam. i�ve heard the are not really important at leats not as the cambridge ones but my school (its a private one and i guess that parents need to see results and certificates for the huge amount of money they pay every month) has 2 groups with mixed abilities to take these exams this year.its my first in this school and im not really getting much help but thanks god i have you all hehehe. do you know where i can get sample ws or any sort of help to practise speaking at primary level?? to be honest the classes are turning a bit boring as the level of students is so different.. im after 6 years of teaching im srting to think i cant reaaly plan an speaking lesson for young girls!!!! aaarrggg i feel so lost!!!! thanks in advance for your comments!! |
2 Dec 2008
I�ve prepared Trinity exams before.... What levels are we talking about first? 1 to 3 or 4 onwards?1 to 3 are VERY easy to prepare and they should have sent a booklet to you, if not, the Trinity website has the exams of what they ask.
4th level up is a bit different though, the students must prepare something to talk about. The examiner will ask them questions about whatever they decide to bring in as well as a 5 minute part of general questions.
2 Dec 2008
thank you zora-f.. im preparing zones 4 to 6. i have some ws to prepare the different topics they need to talk about but they are not enough. i need more material as i have 2 hours a week with the girls. and there are only 8 (as i can remember) ws in each level so i will be finishing soon. the problem is the level of the girls i have some girls who dont even reach level 3 and some other could even do level 6 or higher. also its a extracurricular subject so they are not really focused! im really pessimistic about it!! |
2 Dec 2008
Hmm... I�ve had that happen - a lot. I would start focussing on their "projects" that they have to bring in to talk about. Get them talking about that, ask questions that you think might arise according to each topic. It sounds very redundant but it�s a major part of the exam - more than the general conversation part.
And I sympathize with you when a lower level student wants to do a level higher than their capacity. I would get her to start "memorizing" stuff for now, then slowly move away from scripted answers... if you can, of course... two hours a week is so little...
And I wouldn�t worry about the higher levels taking a lower level - these exams are meant for students to excel at, so it�s better to pass with a A level at level 6, than a B or a C at level 7. It gives them more confidence.
2 Dec 2008
How did my answer get mixed in the middle??
2 Dec 2008
no idea.. thank you so much anyway.. hahahaha...
what im doing now is preparing a speech on each topic every week so they revise all the topics and from january they can also work on their project. i dont wanna feel that im wasting time so thats why i was asking you guys. i have very little time and thay can barely say one long sentence about a specific question.if they try to say something else they get lost and start using spanish structures with english words and sometimes they invent their own ones.. |
2 Dec 2008