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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > Word of the Day
Word of the Day
Word of the Day
Hello Everybody!!!!
A wonderful surprise dear Yams
You chose me as the winner!!!!!!!!
So lets see if I can handle this game...
The word today is: Maastrichtian
People remember, this is a game, only the funniest and artful definition will be the winner!!!! not the correct one....
To play and have fun the definitions are...
Huge Hug Val
9 Oct 2010
Mmmmm a Maastrichtian is exactly mmmm how can I explain it to you....
It �s a person who is exclusively dedicated to train the maasters, which are those people who are studying a Master �s program but still can�t graduate because their theses are really bad.
The verb is to maastre. The adjective is maastreable. The adverb is maastreably.
Example: Mauricio needs a very patient maastrichtian so he can finally decide what topic to research, but he won �t be able to graduate if he keeps on bringing his pig pet to class. |
9 Oct 2010
Maastrichtian If I �m not mistaken, a Maastrichtian is actually a person from any area where the dominant livestock are a hybrid between sheep and ostriches. Interesting creatures the maastriches are.
9 Oct 2010