Word of the Day - Jactation
Good afternoon fellow neologists
I am the lucky member to choose a word to challenge your creativity on this fine Saturday. The usual rules apply: no dictionary definitions or copy/paste jobs from the net. We all know how to do that and we  to be entertained by your hilarious definitions instead.
Today our word of the day is : jactation
Jayho |
9 Oct 2010

Good Morning Jayho,
This one �s easy!
My two yearold toddler telling his cousin Jack to go to the station.
9 Oct 2010

Just for you Jayho,
as I know we sometimes share the same humour!!! � �JAC = jacking � �
� �Tation = Station � �
So a man is jacking off at the patrol station!!!  . REDBULL GIVES YOU WINGS YOU KNOW. |
9 Oct 2010

Mariethe House
JAck ( Jack o �lantern at this time of year) having to stop at a station to refuel before carrying on his restless walk round the universe. I love your definition Frank!
9 Oct 2010

This is a secret code word invented by Scotland Yard in 1888.
The word is connected to Jack the Ripper �s murders. When the residents of London started to become extremely anxious about the murdering of women, the police invented the word JACTATION to inform all the policemen that a new murder had taken place.
JAC = Jack TA = takes TION = action
Meaning: Jack the Ripper has taken action again.
Very sad story but so true.
9 Oct 2010

Well, lactation is all about producing milk so perhaps jactation is the producing of
juice so it �s a juice -producing cow!
Sorry we can �t help our farming background downunder!
Cheers Joy |
9 Oct 2010

There was once a famous politician named Jack who was famous for making long speeches that didn �t really say anything. Nowadays the word jactation is used to refer to any speech that goes in circles (which applies to most modern day political speeches).
9 Oct 2010

Actually, I vote for joy2bill �s definition! LOL!
9 Oct 2010

WellI love Elizabeth �s definition best!
Here is mine: It �s a thing only women do. When they have bought a new jacket, they hide it in the depths of their wardrobe until the time has come to admit it to their husbands / boyfriends / fathers. Similar:
shoetation bootation shirtation etc.
9 Oct 2010

Jacktation---Jack taking dictation? He �s a secretary who writes thimgs down |
9 Oct 2010

Jacta = from Alea jacta est + -tion :
( + jaqueter pronounced jakt� : French slang for talk, chat )
Jactation = Conversation with Caesar.
Not much used these days...
PS : Bombilations, dear Jayho! Your definition was not nugatory!!
Jentacular hugs from steatopygic Sylv ;o)) |
9 Oct 2010