This is one of those words, the instant that you hear the explanation of its origin, you say to yourself: �Of course! What a stupid fool I am! How could I possibly forget that!�
And then you notice the leaflets on your door-mat, �Voices Inside The Head�; �Improve Your Self-Image�; and �The Amnesia Society�.
Relax and drink a strong cup of coffee! Or alternatively, relax and drink a cup of strong coffee! Or possibly, cough and then re-drink a cup of strong laxative!
We are constantly faced with difficult choices, as the following story illustrates.
Where I lived, a couple had a child, a little girl. The husband was a Jewish chap called Cohen. His wife was from Spain, and her name was Carmen.
They constantly quarrelled about what name to give to the girl, because both wanted to preserve their National heritage. Of course, the inevitable result was that the poor child never knew whether she was Carmen or Cohen!
The Word of the Day was the result of a few simple consonantal shifts and a typing error, after a pedantic professor plunged pompously into a plastic Pool packed with putrid pebbles.
Pul-chrit-tud-in-ous = pool grit chewed in us.
Les Douglas