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Word of the day: Tuesday
Mariethe House
Word of the day: Tuesday
I have been given the responsibility of "word of the day" I hope I manage it OK till the end!
So , may I remind you: no dictionary definition Just your creativity and imagination are needed. So, please feel free to enter your entertaining, witty and hilarious definitions .
The word I have chosen is:
12 Oct 2010
Hello, dear
Are you in need
of a tip for hiccups?
Look at the Halloween section,
raise your arms aloft,
drink some water upside down,
hold your breath for 3 minutes.�
Take care!
12 Oct 2010
ha - a word of laughter
ecce - from the word eccentric
ity - a state or condition of being
so, haecceity is the state of being an eccentric person with uncontrollable laughter
12 Oct 2010
Hae - ancient spelling for �hay � as in �haystack �
also: hae - short for haem : something related to blood
cceity - from the latin �coecitas � = �blind � ( we had to double the �c � to give justice to ancient spelling rules)
so it is a word related to the saying " looking for a needle in a haystack �
What it really means is that it describes a person who, looking for a needle in a haystack, is unable to find it ..... even when blood springs from his finger when he stuck it onto the before mentioned needle : he can �t help it : he doesn �t see the blood..... and even less the needle.
12 Oct 2010
For those of you who are keen cryptologists and love solving secret codes, this word will be meat and drink to you. (It is a medical fact that cryptologists eat very little).
As a cryptographer you will know that words written with black, octopus ink, on solid carbon-dioxide, are totally undetectable at room temperature, (because the carbon-dioxide changes into a gas!)
This fact, and the key to numerous secret codes, was known to many ancient warrior families: Alexander of the Great�s; Ghengis of the Khan�s; and Immanuel of the Kant�s.
The word is �haecceity�.
Immediately, we realise that this is an artificial word. (It conceals a message, to be tattooed on the shaved scalp of a servant who is sent to a distant land - Manchester, for example - where he waits until his hair grows again).
Members, what concealed words jump from the page and smack you in the face? (Be careful, because many cryptologists also suffer from haemophilia, and bleed very easily).
The words �He�; �ace�; and �city� are very obvious. No, it is not a coded reference to that excellent footballer in Barcelona!
The code is the �First Word Normal; Second Word In Descending Order; Third Word In Ascending Order; Code� --- or �FWN-SWIDO-TWIAO-CODE�, for short.
�He� remains the same word. �Ace� becomes �King�, (�Queen�, �Jack�, �Ten�, etc). �City� becomes �World�, (�Earth�, �Universe�, �Space�, etc). The code is childishly easy when you know it!
And so, our message becomes: �He (is) king (of the) world!�
Les |
12 Oct 2010
That �s fan dabbi dozi REDBULL GIVE YOU WINGS YOU KNOW |
12 Oct 2010
Mariethe House
Word of the day: Tuesday (2nd post)
Mariethe House
Word of the day: Tuesday
I have been given the responsibility of "word of the day" I hope I manage it OK till the end!
So , may I remind you: no dictionary definition Just your creativity and imagination are needed. So, please feel free to enter your entertaining, witty and hilarious definitions .
The word I have chosen is:
12 Oct 2010
Edit topic
Hello, dear
Are you in need
of a tip for hiccups?
Look at the Halloween section,
raise your arms aloft,
drink some water upside down,
hold your breath for 3 minutes.
Take care!
12 Oct 2010
ha - a word of laughter
ecce - from the word eccentric
ity - a state or condition of being
so, haecceity is the state of being an eccentric person with uncontrollable laughter
12 Oct 2010
Hae - ancient spelling for �hay � as in �haystack �
also: hae - short for haem : something related to blood
cceity - from the latin �coecitas � = �blind � ( we had to double the �c � to give justice to ancient spelling rules)
so it is a word related to the saying " looking for a needle in a haystack �
What it really means is that it
describes a person who, looking for a needle in a haystack, is unable to
find it ..... even when blood springs from his finger when he stuck it
onto the before mentioned needle : he can �t help it : he doesn �t see
the blood..... and even less the needle.
12 Oct 2010
For those of you who are keen cryptologists and love solving secret codes, this word will be meat and drink to you. (It is a medical fact that cryptologists eat very little).
a cryptographer you will know that words written with black, octopus
ink, on solid carbon-dioxide, are totally undetectable at room
temperature, (because the carbon-dioxide changes into a gas!)
fact, and the key to numerous secret codes, was known to many ancient
warrior families: Alexander of the Great�s; Ghengis of the Khan�s; and
Immanuel of the Kant�s.
The word is �haecceity�.
Immediately, we realise that this is an artificial word. (It
conceals a message, to be tattooed on the shaved scalp of a servant who
is sent to a distant land - Manchester, for example - where he waits
until his hair grows again).
Members, what concealed words jump from the page and smack you in the face? (Be careful, because many cryptologists also suffer from haemophilia, and bleed very easily).
The words �He�; �ace�; and �city� are very obvious. No, it is not a coded reference to that excellent footballer in Barcelona!
code is the �First Word Normal; Second Word In Descending Order; Third
Word In Ascending Order; Code� --- or �FWN-SWIDO-TWIAO-CODE�, for short.
�He� remains the same word. �Ace� becomes �King�, (�Queen�, �Jack�, �Ten�, etc). �City� becomes �World�, (�Earth�, �Universe�, �Space�, etc). The code is childishly easy when you know it!
And so, our message becomes: �He (is) king (of the) world!�
Les |
12 Oct 2010
That �s fan dabbi dozi REDBULL GIVE YOU WINGS YOU KNOW |
12 Oct 2010
| |
12 Oct 2010
Mariethe House
Word of the day: Tuesday
Mariethe House
Word of the day: Tuesday
I have been given the responsibility of "word of the day" I hope I manage it OK till the end!
So , may I remind you: no dictionary definition Just your creativity and imagination are needed. So, please feel free to enter your entertaining, witty and hilarious definitions .
The word I have chosen is:
12 Oct 2010
Edit topic
Hello, dear
Are you in need
of a tip for hiccups?
Look at the Halloween section,
raise your arms aloft,
drink some water upside down,
hold your breath for 3 minutes.
Take care!
12 Oct 2010
ha - a word of laughter
ecce - from the word eccentric
ity - a state or condition of being
so, haecceity is the state of being an eccentric person with uncontrollable laughter
12 Oct 2010
Hae - ancient spelling for �hay � as in �haystack �
also: hae - short for haem : something related to blood
cceity - from the latin �coecitas � = �blind � ( we had to double the �c � to give justice to ancient spelling rules)
so it is a word related to the saying " looking for a needle in a haystack �
What it really means is that it
describes a person who, looking for a needle in a haystack, is unable to
find it ..... even when blood springs from his finger when he stuck it
onto the before mentioned needle : he can �t help it : he doesn �t see
the blood..... and even less the needle.
12 Oct 2010
For those of you who are keen cryptologists and love solving secret codes, this word will be meat and drink to you. (It is a medical fact that cryptologists eat very little).
a cryptographer you will know that words written with black, octopus
ink, on solid carbon-dioxide, are totally undetectable at room
temperature, (because the carbon-dioxide changes into a gas!)
fact, and the key to numerous secret codes, was known to many ancient
warrior families: Alexander of the Great�s; Ghengis of the Khan�s; and
Immanuel of the Kant�s.
The word is �haecceity�.
Immediately, we realise that this is an artificial word. (It
conceals a message, to be tattooed on the shaved scalp of a servant who
is sent to a distant land - Manchester, for example - where he waits
until his hair grows again).
Members, what concealed words jump from the page and smack you in the face? (Be careful, because many cryptologists also suffer from haemophilia, and bleed very easily).
The words �He�; �ace�; and �city� are very obvious. No, it is not a coded reference to that excellent footballer in Barcelona!
code is the �First Word Normal; Second Word In Descending Order; Third
Word In Ascending Order; Code� --- or �FWN-SWIDO-TWIAO-CODE�, for short.
�He� remains the same word. �Ace� becomes �King�, (�Queen�, �Jack�, �Ten�, etc). �City� becomes �World�, (�Earth�, �Universe�, �Space�, etc). The code is childishly easy when you know it!
And so, our message becomes: �He (is) king (of the) world!�
Les |
12 Oct 2010
That �s fan dabbi dozi REDBULL GIVE YOU WINGS YOU KNOW |
12 Oct 2010
| |
12 Oct 2010