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Ask for help > I don īt understand...
I don īt understand...
My understanding is that one cannot re-post previously posted things (even sacrificing earned points in the process) to try and earn even more points. All you can do is improve your work and update it, which is a feature on your personal page on the site. Your best bet is to improve your work overall so itīs attractive, and send it moments after midnight Spanish time if possible so itīs close to first in the list.
Your American friend
14 Oct 2010
@zoe we can delete our ws and repost them what we cant do is repeat the ws or use it again.
to answer the original question..... maybe the problem was that when you uploaded them the first time the rules were different, now your ws might not be according to the new rules and were removed. what you can do is to check what was the problem and fix it to upload them again. |
14 Oct 2010
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