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Ask for help > Linkers
Hello teacher,
I am correcting one informal composition, a letter to a friend, and my student has used the linker "Regarding" in the sentence "Regarding your big argument with Helen, If I were you, I would ....". Well, since "regarding" is a formal linker I have changed it for an informal one "As for your big argument with Helen, if I were you, I would..." Could you please tell me any other connector I can add to the composition as possible answers? Can we start the sentence with "About your big argument with Helen,...." or is "about" a litteral Spanish translation? Thanks in advance for your help. |
14 Oct 2010
Regarding isn �t at all that formal. I use it all the time!! Sometimes I just write: Re.
You can also write, in regard(s) to. That also works.
14 Oct 2010
I have always taught my students that "regarding" is a formal linker!!! Every day I learn a new thing from this place!! Thanks a million libertybelle. If any other possible informal connectors bump into your mind, your answers are welcome! |
14 Oct 2010
In a letter to a friend, especially with young people, I would go for �As for � and �About � as you suggest. I don �t think many teenagers would use �regarding � (all my FCE prep students are high school students).
14 Oct 2010