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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Word of the Day - Kilfuddoch - winner
Word of the Day - Kilfuddoch - winner
Word of the Day - Kilfuddoch - winner
The actual meaning of KILFUDDOCH (as if you didn �t know) is �a meeting and discussion, a debate, a dispute � (see here for dictionary entry).
I loved your linguistic convolutions, folks, and it �d be invidious to mention one or two without the others but the winner has got to be the divine Nika/ �moravc � with her ridiculously dotty definition:
KILFUDDOCH is an ancient music instrument, used by Scottish pheasants. Don �t ask me why, I just know it :-)
Scottish pheasants, indeed! Perhaps she means lyre-birds, Ed?
Gratters, Nika. Now it �s your turn... |
14 Oct 2010