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Thanks my dear friends
Adel A
Thanks my dear friends
Yesterday and the day before I asked my friends for a help and they helped me so much .Being so tired ,I can �t stay up to see their replies immediately,so I couldn �t thank them as soon as it should be.Now ,my dear friends I can believe that our world is a good place to share together because of such good ,honest and cooperative people.Anyhow,I can say "A friend in need is A friend indeed"Thanks again my dear friends BUT brothers and sisters for such wonderful help and whatever i say I can �t find expressive wods or even a language to fit my feeling towards you all
I love you all whereever you are on the map of the world.
your elder brother
Adel |
18 Oct 2010
That was a very nice post, Adel. It made me feel grateful for ESL because not only is it a place where people share and help, but it is also a place where I really feel how small the world has become.
It is so fascinating to be in touch with English teachers all over the world and to find out about their mentalities, their methods of teaching, the conditions in which they live etc. When I imagine that a worksheet I upload will be downloaded and used all around the globe I get goosepimples. Sometimes I look at the comments and note down the countries from which they come - they virtually span the globe. It �s marvellous.
I, too, have asked for help several times and was very touched how promptly people reacted.
In your post, you express yourself more emotionally than many a sober middle-aged German teacher would do, but that is just another example of the rich diversity we get. Cordial greetings from Germany!
19 Oct 2010