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Power Point Board Game Suggestions
Power Point Board Game Suggestions
I have managed to make a power point board game that tracks a player �s progress by lighting up the squares that they land on (roll three, click the next three squares and it will light up and the previou´s square color will change back to it�s original color). Also, if a player has to go back, I designed it so that the colors would change as they move back.
I designed it for one or two players and it has 38 eight questions per block (taken from the ESL word template).
Does anyone have any ideas they would like to see on this game? I was thinking that I could set a master button to allow other users to use their own questions generated from their own worksheets rather than use the ones that I will place on the power point. Maybe I am out of line here by asking.
John |
19 Oct 2010
Great sneaky advertising, but I can see the need to ask. I �m not sure what I would like to see in the game but I �m intrigued and would like to download it and see how it works and how I can adapt it to my needs. Yes put in that master button. A good PPt or worksheet should be adaptable since when we make them we make them mainly for our own specific students. |
19 Oct 2010
counters, with a �drag and drop � Macro (I �ve uploaded some simple ppt board games with Macro counters.) ^_^ |
19 Oct 2010
please send me a PM when you upload it!!! it looks amazing! i �ve improved my powerpoint skills a lot in the last year - thanks to some fantastic tutorials I found here - but you seem to know a lot more than I do... what about questions about celebrities? for example: Who is Brad Pitt married to? Who wrote the Harry Potter novels? Where is Tony Parker from? How many films did Kristen Stewart make in the last 5 years? How old was Robert Pattinson when he played the role of Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"?... but it �s just a suggestion... have a nice day! Elodie
19 Oct 2010
Good idea about using a Macro but I try to avoid using them. In this game the color of the square will show a player where they are. You know, sort of like a "visual aid." Like a game piece. I just want to make sure that other �s can use it for their own questions but want to make sure that I set it up correctly. Like how many time should I put, "move ahead three squares" or move back 2 squares."
19 Oct 2010
Good idea about celebrities, but I want to ensure that others can use it with their own questions. I don �t want to spend a lot of time generating one slide after another with the same template. I want to try to come up with more slides that do a little bit more than the last one I put together.
John |
19 Oct 2010
How about a ???? square that will pop up from time to time that will give a play a certain amout of free moves if he/she is on it? I still have a lot of room to play with before I put on my questions (I have already set it up to use a teachers questions or my own, depending upon the button pressed). I just need a few more ideas on what you all would like on it. |
19 Oct 2010
great job can you make it as snake and ladders with some command like sing a song , dance etc
19 Oct 2010
Zimo, that is a very good idea! Yes, I could incorporate some of the commands into this slide and then later make a snake and latters game out of it. By the way, some of the best software engineers engineers I have ever met come from Russia and they always came up with good ideas.
Thank you and others for giving me some good ideas.
John |
19 Oct 2010