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ESL forum > Make suggestions, report errors > OLD repeated worksheets    

OLD repeated worksheets


I know, I know� now you�ll probably say that sentence in your first comment: �Any reply is appreciated.� is another mistake and that you didn�t mean that. Or maybe you have forgotten you wrote that in your comment.

It�s disappointing to try to get to an agreement with a person who�s always changing what s/he has previously said.

I�m not being sarcastic; believe it or not, I�m trying to be as nice as possible. Not that used to it, unfortunately.

About your request about me not engaging in any discussion started by you, we are free to answer any thread on the forum, aren�t we?

EDIT: To spare members from this in the future, here are some suggestions:

1) Don�t open multiple threads about the same matter.

2) When a person answers your question, as I did and as some had done when you opened a similar thread in the past, you can say �thank you� or start an argument. I recommend the first option, but you�re an adult and as I see have your own ideas.

3) If you have another definition for �copy� or a particular opinion about what a copy is, please send a PM to the webmaster and maybe he agrees with you.

4) For me it�s crystal clear that an old worksheet is not to be reported unless it is a copy.

20 Oct 2010     

Bruna Dutra

Opsy... came back after two hours and there was an "edit" already.
Due to being bored and feeling to full to go to bed (I �ve just had a huuuge burger), I �m going to reply.

Firstly, I didn �t start multiple threads, I started two. And from what I remember, there �s no rule about the number of threads one is to start (if there was, you would have quite a problem just with your scribd quest and good-nights - yeah, I can use the search tool too and I �m bored).
Secondly, I thanked you, but you kept on and on with your "memory loss" sarcasm (again... take Charlie Harper �s advice on sarcarm).

To finish it... if for you it �s crystal clear... awesome. Great for you.
I thought maybe Victor had overlooked that. (because you know... he does have other things to do but Eslprintables.com). Are we going to start the bonfire now or should we wait till Halloween night? It �s close anyway. Because it sure looks like I did something terribly wrong by opening this thread.

You are a valuable member in here and everyone appreciates all your efforts towards this community. That �s why I kindly asked you not to waste your energy replying to me (not that you musn �t), because you may not see it now, but I am harmless.

20 Oct 2010     



I�m not a patient person and the very little patience I�ve got needs to be saved for classroom use only.

If you read again my �edit� you�ll see they are only suggestions, just in case the word �suggestion� has the same meaning for you as it has for me. For me you can open a thousand threads if you want. No problem for me. I wouldn�t dare to restring the number of posts you have the right to send to the forum.

Some have told us (moderators and members) to �get a life� and I�ve just gotten why. What I don�t understand is: your reasons to be digging through old contributions at 1 a.m. in Brazil, and trying to sell us the idea that a repeated worksheet is a copy, only to find a way to report it.

When you opened this thread � and that�s clear for me now � you just wanted our support to report and remove an old worksheet that is not a copy.

If only I had realized your intention when I saw your thread I wouldn�t have replied to it. I only replied because you asked someone to �enlighten� you, and so I tried to.

As I see, the whole thing backfired because you didn�t get the answer you expected.

Sorry about that!

20 Oct 2010     

Bruna Dutra

You �re right about one thing... I did not get what I expected. Should �ve seen it coming. It �s my fault. Sorry.

I will "copy" myself; You are a valuable member in here and everyone appreciates all your efforts towards this community. That �s why I kindly asked you not to waste your energy replying to me (not that you musn �t), because you may not see it now, but I am harmless.

But I �ll tell you what I �m not going to do. I �m not going to sit here while you keeping throwing accusations at me on a public forum, spitting that I �m digging old wss to report, that I �m trying to sell ideas, or that I want any kind of support to report wss. Judging me and calling it your opinions or suggestions.

I, just as yourself, love this website, the members and friends I have made, and try to help it the way I can, because I believe in it. If I thought that maybe it was overlooked that repeated wss can �t be reported since a COPY is a COPY, who are you to suggest me that I do not open this thread?!?

Unlike you, I have all the patience required to be a teacher, and I will, again, sincerely and most respectedly, ask you to SAVE YOUR COMMENTS FOR THE LUCKY MEMBERS WHO RECEIVE YOUR BRIGHT SIDE.

I have seen plenty of the other.

20 Oct 2010     



When I started multiple threads about the worksheets on Scribd, they weren�t about the same subject. The first was to refresh Silke�s thread, because I thought it was an important one and should be seen for the most number of members as possible; the second was to give directions to members who had their wss copied on how to report them; the third was after I sent PM�s to the members with the links for the copied wss.

It may have been disturbing for you, but the members who had wss copied don�t share the same opinion. Until now, you�re the only one who complained about that. In that occasion I started apologizing for starting a third thread on a similar subject.

When I started �good-morning� threads I was not the only one. And the members who answered my �good mornings� seemed to appreciate the thread. I ask myself if the owner of the old wss you�ve been examining today would appreciate yours as well, just in case you got what you wanted.

You were a moderator and one of the cleverest, so you are completely aware of the fact that old worksheets are not to be reported unless they are copies. Sending the second thread on the very same subject you already know about is something at least intriguing. With so many threads about the same matter, I sincerely doubt Victor has overlooked it.

Off to bed now. You can keep on recruiting supporters for your campaign against the old worksheets, I won�t waste your time or mine anymore today.

20 Oct 2010     

Bruna Dutra

Now, "I" have a problem with starting a new thread about the same subject!??! how come?!!?!? wasn �t that your suggestion to me!? Not starting multiple threads!?

you keep judging my action of starting this thread and now calling it a "campaign against old worksheets"?!
You �re a piece of art, Zailda! You really are. A walking contradiction.

I �m sick.

20 Oct 2010     

Czech Republic

Repeated wss may be a system glitch, that is why Victor doesn �t want them to be removed. He stated that several times. There are exceptions:
1.When the repeated wss have different date or description - in that case it �s clear it �s not a
2. When the newer ws doesn �t have any points yet, moderators usualy remove it, because the
      author doesn �t lose points in this case.

And in stead of arguing here, why don �t you send a PM to Victor, Bruna? I do that every time I �ve got some ideas. (And lots of other members does that)

20 Oct 2010     

Bruna Dutra

MJ, you can �t believe how sorry I am for not pming Victor in the first place.
Many members come to the forum before going directly to Victor, believe me, I did not think I was going to be crucified and accused of being on a quest to report worksheets. And I quote: "(Bruna), you just wanted our support to remove an old worksheet that is not a copy".

I have never done anything to harm this website and will not stand having someone accuse me in such a low way.
That�s the whole argument, which I apologize to you and any other member who has been disturbed by it.

EDIT: Sorry MJ, I was in such a shock that I forgot to mention that I was referring exactly to the situation you raised:
When the repeated wss have different date or description - in that case it �s clear it �s not a glitch.

20 Oct 2010     

United States

I think you two should be doing this via PM, not on the forum (talk about wasted space).

20 Oct 2010     

United Kingdom

This is insane and quite frankly, utterly meaningless!! I dont know why I read through this..... 

20 Oct 2010     

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