I have frequently taught one-to-one, (on two occasions to Italian girl-students), and it is very difficult. If you can possibly involve another student, do so!
I have used written dialogues, and we have spoken, where I am one of the two voices.
I have played CD �s, or DVD �s or Videos, and then questioned the student about what was said, (or he/she has written the answers).
I have read aloud words, and the student must spell them --- A "Spelling Bee".
I have had two-person debates, (Student versus Teacher), based on written Cards, which have opposite attitudes written on them. The student chooses the Card at random, and then says "A", or "B", and must then defend that argument.
A) I think an office job is best, because ... ...
B) I think an outdoor job is best, because ... ...
A) I think a cold climate is good, because ... ...
B) I think a hot climate is good, because ... ...
We have played "Taboo" where the student must describe an object, but must not say it �s name. The name chosen is taboo and must not be said!
"It is an animal. It has fur. It has four legs and a tail. It lives in my house. It eats mice. Its babies are called kittens". Teacher shouts: "CAT!" This game forces the student to extend his/her vocabulary.
I print song lyrics and we sing songs together.
I have played in (English) one paragraph of a book on tape, CD, etc while he/she reads the book (in English) on his/her knee. Then follow questions about the paragraph, with possible written answers. (This Lesson involves Reading; Writing; Speaking; and Listening; Comprehension; Vocabulary; etc.)
"Here are four English words, "Banana", "Window", "Helicopter"; "Swim". Please speak a story which must last at least two minutes. Use your imagination. I do not want:
"The monkey jumped out of the window of the helicopter to get the banana and fell into the water, so it began to swim". I want TWO MINUTES of speaking, with a proper story!
I give a sentence in the (for example) Present Simple Tense. The student must speak in the Past Simple Tense.
"In bocca lupo!"