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Games, activities and teaching ideas > i need a song
i need a song
i need a song
Hi everyone.. I need a song with good rhythm for my 10 years old class to sing in front of the school. It doesn �t have to be a children song. any suggestions? thanks in advance
22 Oct 2010
| has the song Hickory Dickory Doc. It uses numbers and you could probably modify or leave out some of the verses.
Hickory Dickory dock, [clap clap] The mouse ran up the clock, [run fingers up one side of your head while singing the line..clap clap] The clock struck one The mouse ran down, [run fingers down the other side of your head while singing the line..clap clap] Hickory Dickory dock. [clap clap]
22 Oct 2010
I like the lion sleeps tonight too. Great suggestion! |
22 Oct 2010
thank u so much for ur suggestions dear colleagues. I really appreciate them.
22 Oct 2010
hi,ı need a song and it must be authentic.ı will turn this song into a material by creating some activities on it.e.g ı can teach a grammar part by using it so it s remarks r important too.ıf u give me some suggestions ı �ll be happy:) thanks |
24 Oct 2010