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Dwarfs or dwarves
Dwarfs or dwarves
We are reading Snow white and 7 dwarfs by Dysney with my students.
But I wonder which is correct plural: dwarfs or dwarves?
Which is the best plural form to use in teaching young children?
Thank you for the answers in advance.
Have a nice weekend.
22 Oct 2010
ynroko1, you �re in luck! Both plurals are correct. As for which one to teach, it depends on different factors. If you also plan to show the movie, I believe Disney used "dwarves." Of course, "dwarfs" is more regular and easier. However, if you are teaching f and fe plurals, "dwarves" is another to add to your list.
22 Oct 2010
It depends on how short they are.... Only kidding...both are acceptable. |
22 Oct 2010
Because "dwarves" follows the pattern of knives, lives, leaves, etc, I recommend "dwarves". As Ed said, however, both are acceptable. As you said, Disney used "dwarfs", but it definitely isn �t as common (Maybe it was in 1939).
Bruce |
22 Oct 2010
Both can be used, though I myself only ever use dwarves. I �ve heard before that Tolkien invented dwarves to match elves, though I �m not sure if that �s true or just an urban legend...
22 Oct 2010
I learned that dwarfs like roofs were irregular - and therefore they don �t become plural with the ves ending.
22 Oct 2010
NOUNS that end in F or FE change the F to V and receive ES for the plural:
elf - elves
knife � knives
leaf � leaves
life � lives
There are a few exceptions to this rule:
roof � roofs
handkerchief � handkerchiefs
Both forms of plural, with FS or VES are accepted in the case of the nouns:
dwarf, hoof, scarf, wharf.
22 Oct 2010
Here is a list of the most common words.
scarf scarves; turf turves; wharf wharves; calf calves; life lives; wife wives; half halves; loaf loaves; wolf wolves; knife knives; shelf shelves; leaf leaves; elf elves; self selves; sheaf sheaves; roof rooves; chief chieves; handkerchief handkerchieves; hoof hooves; thief thieves; dwarf dwarves
I think that I can say that I have never heard scarfs; turfs; wharfs; calfs; lifes; wifes; loafs; wolfs; knifes; leafs; elfs; selfs; thiefs --- only those words underlined: halfs; shelfs; sheafs; roofs; chiefs; handkerchiefs; hoofs; dwarfs.
The following, (and there are more), do not take �v�: oaf oafs; proof proofs; belief beliefs; chef chefs; gulf gulfs; muff muffs; reef reefs; serf serfs; toff toffs; waif waifs.
This is my experience, but others will differ in their opinion.
I would teach the �f � into �v � rule, but indicate that not everyone follows the rules.
The probability is that, in 50 years time, the �rule � will disappear.
Les |
22 Oct 2010
For me, it �s better to use dwarves than dwarfs which had a negative connotation in the past. It also goes with the rule of forming plural nouns ending with "f". Later the learners will come across the other form. good luck
23 Oct 2010
| gotta stop using dwarves specially w/o their permission. |
23 Oct 2010
Don �t worry Edrod, my forge pays very well and they �re all union members;D
23 Oct 2010