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Make suggestions, report errors > On the subject of older contributions
On the subject of older contributions
I�d just like to point out something here very quickly... If somebody is lazy and uploads whatever... he/she will NOT get any points. We have all experienced (and complained at times) that drab and uninteresting "looking" (didn�t say that the worksheets were not useful, it just seems people here like "packaging" more than content at times... ) - do not recieve the full attention they might deserve.
Anyhow, got class... still think Mietz idea is the best... (love the cat by the way )
3 Dec 2008
I kind of liked your suggestion until I read Vickii�s post, it does seem a bit pointless to be able to download 15 old worksheets for free if I have 5000 points. �Downloading an old worksheet that I probably already have and with 5000 points you can afford it. �Points are not money, once you have 100 or more points they become meaningless. �Points are only important if you don�t have them. |
5 Dec 2008
Thank you for keeping this discussion going Kevin. Like you say points are only important if you don�t have them - and this is the situation of the relatively new members which from my guesstimate would need about year to get around 1000+ points, at which point they might feel comfortable using them on old worksheets. Until they reach that stage Mietz�s suggestion would make a lot of sense to me and i support it fully. I think Victor needs to make an autoritative statement about this issue even it is �The current rules apply� in which case we perhaps then concentrate on and participate on other useful discussion happening in the forums.
5 Dec 2008
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