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Ask for help > Which word would you use in this sentence...
Which word would you use in this sentence...
Which word would you use in this sentence...
Hello everybody,
First of all thanks a million to Bruce and specially to Sue for their help. You are just great! Once again I need your help to find the right word. One of my students has written the following sentence: "It �s true that sleeping in tents can be more uncomfortable than staying in a room but it is more NATURAL and you will enjoy it more."
The sentence sounds a literal translation from Spanish,but is it right? Can I replace the word NATURAL for ECO-FRIENDLY (that �s what my student wants to say)?
Thanks in advance. |
24 Oct 2010
Lina Ladybird
Yes, the word "natural" can and should be replaced by "eco-friendly"! :))
24 Oct 2010
If your students would like to use the word "nature" you could change it by saying "you can experience nature, and you will enjoy it more." |
24 Oct 2010
it is �closer to nature � could also be a possibility
24 Oct 2010
I like closer to nature.
I don�t think eco-friendly has the meaning that the student is looking for--it means something to the effect of it is good for the environment. |
24 Oct 2010
First of all, you �re welcome. I do it as a break between other work because it �s fun.
In this case, though, yes, natural is derived from the word nature and can have that meaning, but it �s a different connotation that comes across in this sentence. To stay in a hotel room is natural...for people in developed countries. Natural in that sense means that it �s consistent with the person �s nature--their customary habits. The only people for whom sleeping in a tent would be natural, then, are those who normally sleep in tents.
Consequently, eco-friendly would be a better choice if the student was discussing the impact we have on the planet. Closer to nature is more likely to be what I would choose, as it gives the impression of experiencing nature (i.e. trees, desert, animals, etc.) more.
24 Oct 2010
I would go for �adventurous � or if the idea is to say it would be more appropriate because of the nature of the trip (learning about bedouins or the like) go could go for �authentic � . I agree with the others that �closer to nature� might also work, esp. if s/he tries to say that by sleeping in a tent you experience the nature around you more...
hope this helps
Eco friendly sounds like something about preserving nature, as in environmentally friendly
(not always sleeping in a tent is better than sleeping in a hotel, all depends on how - taking disposable plates to save time washing won �t do the environment much good...) |
24 Oct 2010