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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > using one īs native language in teaching English as a second language.
using one īs native language in teaching English as a second language.
I totally agree with you, but at times we do have English teachers who cannot be understood by Native English teachers. I have non native English teachers who speak pretty good English. At the same time, some cannot be understood at all by all of English speaking teachers. I did not mean to say that an accent is bad. It is bad only if an English speaking person cannot understand them. In my case, the ones with the bad accents cannot understand an English speaking person.
But overall, English should be used in the classroom as much as possible or the teacher should learn to communicate with body language, actions, pictures (as this wonderfull site provides in the WS or PP slides), etc. Sometimes, I have olders students who cannot understand the basic body language for eating. In that case, I pull out the English to Thai dictionary and show them the Thai word. The main purpose of course is to get them to pick up their own dictionary.
25 Oct 2010
I really do think explaining some things in L1 can be an enormous timesaver. But, you need to ensure that you keep it short and sweet, don īt allow an L1 free-for-all! For older students, intermediate and upwards, I really recommend having a monolingual dictionary available and get them to use it. They don īt always have to depend on you for an explanation. And try and get students to invest in one for home study.
25 Oct 2010
I am afraid if you are used to using Arabic all the time in the class it will give bad results. you can use some words if it is necessary but not all the time. you also can act or use drawings like stick man it will be more helpful than using your native language. and you also have to use English with your students all the times don īt speak arabic to them even if you are outside the class this will motivate them . i know Arab teachers prefer speaking Arabic all the time during the class and that spoils students
25 Oct 2010
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