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Games, activities and teaching ideas > 3 yr old English student- ideas please
3 yr old English student- ideas please
3 yr old English student- ideas please
Hello clever printables teachers, thought you might have some bright ideas for a class that I always have trouble with- I teach a 3 1/2 year old boy for 30-45mins twice a week, a one on one lesson. He goes to the British School in Caracas so I am supposed to be helping him with his homework tasks- usually a list of vocabulary and a reading book. I am now at the stage where I am running out of ideas for activities (we have done colouring in, playing with lego bricks to practice colours, playing with plastic animals and cars for vocabulary- next week i am going to try some simple paper aeroplanes and origami frogs...) He is my only young pupil and I am reluctant to spend money on resourses such as laminating flashcards, as I will only use them with him for a short period of time (also attempts to get his mother to provide materials hasnt been very successful...) I also have to keep reminding myself that he is very young- so attempts to get him to draw animals and things like that have failed- as he just likes to do lines and scribbles. Any ideas appreciated... ways to spice up reading to a fidgety 3 year old? Simple vocabulary practice games? Inventive cheap ways to create resources? Thanks guys Grace x
3 Dec 2008
Do TPR with him.
Teach him the "head and shoulders song". I�m a little tea pot. The "hutchie kutchie" song (is that what it is called, it�s been a long time.) Put your right hand out, put your left hand out etc.
Take a paper towel roll and cut it up into "big beads" and give him some rope to string them with and have him count the "beads" as he puts them on.
Talk about what he is wearing. Colors and types of clothing.
Take him outside and have him point to things and you tell him how to say them in English.
I�d take a 3 year old over some of my pupils anytime.
3 Dec 2008
Hello! I teach a boy who is almost 6 years old and he spent one year in Ireland so he knows a lot of English words. I also have problems with preparing materials for him. He loves mazes, dot-to-dot, crosswords etc. I also play board games with him or we make something in origami technique (you can find plenty of easy and amazing ideas here: ). He enjoys sticking words and label the pictures. Memory games are another example. I teach at a kindergarten and I�ve got a puppet which kids like a lot and it "teaches" them :) Kids love songs and it�s a good idea to teach your young learner how to move according the rhytm (make him show parts of his body to "Head and shoulders" etc.). Good luck!
3 Dec 2008
We make home-made "play dough" it�s cheap and easy to make and little kids love it. It�s great to get their imagination going and you can do tons of stuff with it. Like make them roll out balls, count them, make shapes, animals, etc...
3 Dec 2008
Use songs, nursery rhymes, games (for example "I spy with my little eye ..."),�toys,�puppets,�everyday�object and a lot of activities involving movement. Check
Good luck! Enjoy working with your little pupil;-) |
3 Dec 2008
Hi Graace!
When I started teaching young learners I was also a little bit preocupied.
Everyone�s suggestions are really good and according to what I do. I use simple songs (always according to the theme you�re teaching), lullabies, nursery rhymes. At the moment I�m teaching them "Twinkle, twinkle little star". It�s very useful to join gestures to the songs, it�s easier and funnier for young Ss. To download songs go to
TPR activities, flashcards, posters, simple worksheets (to cut, colour, draw, match, join-the-dots, mazes,...) are also very useful.
Good work!
3 Dec 2008
I teach 3-year-olds. They are lovely! First of all, let me tell you that you should have clear objectives exactly as with any other group of students. If you teach "colours", focus on that, if you teach "animals" focus on animals, etc. I use a lot of songs, stories and handcrafts. Also have a routine. Children at this age need a routine. Start with a "hello" song, go on with two or three short games based on the topic you are focusing on, continue with a more passive activity such as cutting, sticking and colouring and end up with a "goodbye" song. Vary the activities constantly! Three-year-olds cannot concentrate on an activity for a very long time. Change the activities every five or ten minutes. Games should have easy rules. Show some objects and hide one. Ask where it is. Make him point to objects as you call them; Use movement games as much as possible. Throw cards with the vocabulary you are dealing with and give him instructions to pick up the correct card; etc. I hope you find this useful. Three-year-olds are lovely. Teaching them is a real challenging and rewarding experience! Enjoy it! |
4 Dec 2008
To graace:
I teach two groups of 15 boys and girls who are 2 or three years old I Know that it�s hard but It�s also rewarding.
They love songs and dance simple actions games ( Simon says...Touch your ears,,,) or TPR .
They love short stories with some surprises I use to invent stories adapted to their interests (animals, colours, family etc) You can use plasticine to made shapes in different colours and sizes (Follow a secuence as in a colour dictation) You can act out simple dialogues with puppets (they love puppets with funny voices). You can use a white board to surprise him makin pictures to guess What coul it be..) There are Power points here really interesting Look at one of my favourite stories
And have a look to this pages they are wonderful
I hope that ideas will help you Bye Poleta |
4 Dec 2008
manonski (f)
First school is a website that provides all kinds of activities for preschoolers.
Good luck!
Manon |
4 Dec 2008
Anna P
You have got mail!
4 Dec 2008
Hi Graace, This is funny because I logged on to ask the same question. I have just recieved a group with 9 young kids to teach. They are all under 4 and I find it quite difficult. I usually have mixed groups with a few older one in it so the older ones can help the small ones. (If you know what I mean) Now I find it hard to keep them busy for very long. I do my lessons like JMDe said with hello song to start and lots of short ideas including songs, reading a book or making something. I also use the site DLTK-teach which has great story boards and things to make.
I usually never buy stuff off the net but I invested in the CD from and it is really worth the money. All the songs on it can be used with small kids and its great. (check them out on youtube)
It sounds like you are doing things fine. Keep up the good work. Yeti xx |
4 Dec 2008
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