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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Making a family tree, in a glimpse
Making a family tree, in a glimpse
Olindalima ( F )
Making a family tree, in a glimpse
Hi, hope you are all enjoying weekend
I came across this site some time ago, I find it quite useful when we are teaching family. You can add as many family members and relationship as you wish. Then you save it and, if you feel like it, you can add some clipart, as I did, after you have it pasted as word.doc. Hope you find it useful.
EDIT : Yes, Laly, it�s free ( well, at least up till now ) linda
Edit ( 2nd )
Creating an account doesn´t mean you have to pay; the application is intended for genealogical records, so, you must have your family tree recorded. To use it in the classroom, the only thing you need, if you don´t want to create an account , is just get a print screen.
30 Oct 2010
Thank you dear Olinda, kisses. Is free this site? |
30 Oct 2010
Laly, you will have to register to use the site. I wonder why that is...
30 Oct 2010
Lidia B.
Great site!!!
Thanks a lot!
30 Oct 2010
Hi! The site�s great! I�d like to include nice cilp art like yours. Where did you take it from? Is it free? Thanks!!! Victoria.
30 Oct 2010
Olindalima ( F )
Hi Vic
Well, I �m not sure what you mean. The site I provided is free, we make the family tree as we like. Next, I make a print screen ( I work with a Mac, so, itis control, shift, 3 - in a pc, I �m not sure what the keys are or how you can make it, but if you asj here, someone will answer, for sure. )Then I cut the part of the print screen I want, I use Photoshop, usually, and paste it on a word.doc. Next, I insert the family "photos". The ones I used are not free, they are from:
If I didn �t answer exactly what you need, feel free to pm, ok?
Hugs Linda
31 Oct 2010