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Ask for help > Please help me with Project-based Learning materials
Please help me with Project-based Learning materials
Please help me with Project-based Learning materials
I also need your help very much. I�m doing my dissertation on the topic of "applying project-based learning to teach English to high school students". It�s popular in your countries, but in Vietnam it�s really alien to high school teachers and students. I like the idea of using PBL very much so I really want to examine the feasibility of applying it. However, I have some problems with materials about PBL used for ELT. So it would help me a lot if you could share with me your materials about this issue. Thanks in advance!
A big kiss from a Vietnamese Lazikat!!!
4 Dec 2008
Hi, Lazika
I do not know very well what you are looking for but I think that Webquests are a good tool for PBL (problem based learning) since students have to do a research for doing a work about a topic. In my blog there is an entry about this topic, about how to make a webquest and some examples of them. Besides there are also some useful tools your students can use to make writing funnier through comics for example, about how to use videos in class. On the right column there is also a project other teachers have made applying new technologies to teaching: an online newspaper the students made
I hope this information is useful for you!! Feel free to contact me.
4 Dec 2008
Hi Lazika, what do you need exactly? What kind of materials do you need? Have a look at my project on Actors I followed during a trainig session / if you find it interesting, I will send it via mail if you give your mail address / it is a PDF file by the way
4 Dec 2008