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Grammar and Linguistics > A future tense question:
A future tense question:

A future tense question:
- By this time next week I �ll have decorated our house. It will look like new. - By this time next week I �ll be decorating our house. It will look like new.
To me both sentences sound correct but one of my colleagues told me that only the first one is. I wonder if a native speaker or somebody could help me in this. Thanks in advance.
31 Oct 2010

Both are correct, and the choice depends on whether you �ll be finished by this time next week. If so, then use the first sentence. If you will have started, but not finished, use the second sentence.
Bruce |
31 Oct 2010

- By this time next week I �ll have decorated our house. It will look like new=I will have finished doing it - This time next week I �ll be decorating our house. It will look like new when it is finished.=I will still be decorating it. Dora
31 Oct 2010

Thanks a lot for your help!!
31 Oct 2010

Both are correct but the context will be decisive which one is appropriate. That �s why there has been a change from teaching grammatical rules outside the context to more focus on situations.
31 Oct 2010

- By this time next week I �ll have decorated our house. It will look like new=I will have finished doing it - This time next week I �ll be decorating our house. It will look like new when it is finished.=I will still be decorating it. THIS IS WHAT KODORA SAID AND I AGREE BUT LOOK/ ONLY THE FIRST SENTENCE IS CORRECT SINCE YOU HAVE AFTER : it will look like new. the action, therefore, will have finished. we have the result of the houses �s being like new. However, the second is not correct in this context since i will still be decorating the house. The fruit will not yet be there. love ABDEL.
31 Oct 2010

- By this time next week I �ll have decorated our house. It will look like new=I will have finished doing it - This time next week I �ll be decorating our house. It will look like new when it is finished.=I will still be decorating it. THIS IS WHAT KODORA SAID AND I AGREE BUT LOOK: ONLY THE FIRST SENTENCE IS CORRECT SINCE YOU HAVE AFTER : it will look like new. the action, therefore, will have finished. we have the result of the house �s being like new. However, the second is not correct in this context since i will still be decorating the house. The fruit will not yet be there. love ABDEL.
31 Oct 2010