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cultural diversity :pros and cons?
cultural diversity :pros and cons?
Hi I am plannig to have a class debate on culural diversity whether it empowers a nation or not.I d be thankful if you could just give me your personal opinions.I have to say I liked q lot what yolanda did the other day when she triggered a lot of discussion by suggesting the topic of the elderly. Many thanks in advance
3 Nov 2010
no culturAl diversity = A nArrow minded nAtion, self centered, rAcist And intolerAnt. the more cultures you get in touch with, the richer you Are. 100% in fAvour of mixed cultures, mixed mAriAges, mixed everything; if everybody hAd A decent life (job, enough money to eAt, A house.........), there would be no questioning About it.
3 Nov 2010
Although there are now a lot of people against it due to the problems caused in big cities because of the finalcial crisis, I still think like Isabelle, the more cultures, the richer a country is, of course whenever there is respect for everybody �s opinions and nobody wants to impose their own religion, customs, etc.
Yolanda |
3 Nov 2010
I live in South Africa. We have eleven official languages and more people groups and that is before you add the expats which have moved in. We have a history of terrible racism and yet we have a country which by and large is very accomodating and forgiving. How many countries would deal with such an awful history with a truth and reconciliation committee. What does seem to divide us is language. People automatically mix with others of their mother tongue. Even in school where learning is in English, there is still a tendancy to be segragated according to language at break times.
I love mixing with people of other racial groups and have a good relationsip with them but my closest friends are those whom I can relate to the most easily in my own language.
The Fifa world cup was a common ground for us as a nation and for a while we were united through a different language (soccer).
I think that the lesson from that is that there needs to be a common ground for true unity to occur. That ground could be pride in a nation, a sport, a language etc.
3 Nov 2010
Thank you all for your valtauable thoughts.I WILL certainly expose your individual opinions qs they are to my students and I will tell you about their reactions but I need more views from you I have to thank NOMBASA because yeah south africa is an authentic example
3 Nov 2010
USA is another great example of cultural diversity, and also of lack of tolerance of cultural diversity. I teach adults, and in my two classes with a total of about 30 students, I have students from 14 different countries and 11 different native languages. Yet they get along very well. They share the struggle to learn a new, difficult language as an adult and try to fit in. And I agree with Yolanda; mutual respect is critical.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of intolerance of immigrants here as well. I don �t really understand it. I think that some Americans feel that immigrants, especially undocumented "illegal" immigrants are a threat to their idea of America. Even worse, after yesterday �s elections, my fellow Americans elected many Representatives and Senators that agree with this narrow-minded view. I voted, but not for anyone of that sort. Many Americans believe that pride in America means that other countries, other peoples, other religions have no value or are downright evil. I am embarrassed by and ashamed of such Americans.
I think to embrace cultural diversity and openness to other ways of thinking, a person or a country must be comfortable with him/her/itself and have healthy self-esteem. Right now many Americans lack that confidence, both personally and as a nation. But when diverse countries embrace and value that diversity, that belief can perform miracles in the world.
Off my high horse now. I guess I needed to vent a little after yesterday �s elections. I feel better now. |
3 Nov 2010
I am very fortunate to have lived in a city that thrives on multiculturalism. I lived in Toronto for a number of years and learned so much from people who immigrated to Canada. Toronto is a vibrant city full of ethenic cusine and languages.
Each immigrant I would meet would bring new richness into my life. Not only did I have the opportunity to taste new foods, but I also had to opportunity to learn and respect new cultures.
Canada welcomes about 200,000 immigrants per year and I think most immigrants come to Canada because Canadians are very open to newcomers.
Cultural diversity is a driving force in the development of a country , not only in respect of economic growth but also helps us to learn about people around the world.
When I first moved to Canada, I would hear people saying that immigrants came to take Canadian jobs. As the years passed, I heard less and less of this. Today, in Canada everyone lives together, and you can see every kind of race in our country. Not everything is perfect, but I believe it is as good as it gets and I couldn�t ask for anything more. |
3 Nov 2010
Hi again, Giovanni !
Good to see you �re so happy about your country !
Check your PM ... |
3 Nov 2010