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Grammar and Linguistics > Like?
Hello! I would be very grateful to you if you express your ideas of the following thing: What is the syntactic function of the word "like" and what part of speech is it in the following sentence: "It looks like raining." And, what is thus the function of the gerund following this "like"? Thanks in advance! Alexey |
4 Dec 2008
First of all, the sentence "It looks like raining" is incorrect. It should be "It looks like rain."
Second, like - has many functions... noun, verb, preposition, adverb, adjective, conjunction...
Here I believe it�s being used as a preposition...
4 Dec 2008
The meaning of the sentence is �there are clouds in the sky, so I think it will rain soon�
In context:
S1: "Do you think it will be sunny today?"
S2: "No. It looks like rain to me."
4 Dec 2008
Hi ,Zora - f
I agree with you. You confirmed my doubt. The sentence, as it is, is not correct.
4 Dec 2008
Well, I see your point, though I�m not convinced yet, as it was my university tutor who said this phrase. Nonetheless, it�s not the case. Let is be "It looks like rain". Could you please help me and state the function of the word in the sentence and its part of speech. I�m very confused about it, though I�ve got some ideas. |
4 Dec 2008
And another sentence has struck me: "I don�t feel like reading today".
4 Dec 2008
Well Pietro, You could say "It looks like it maybe raining later". Otherwise honestly please be convinced. 2 native english speakers from different hemispheres and a teacher with an excellent grasp of grammar (I always thought that goodnesses had english as a first language!) - heres hoping we are not wrong!
As to the Grammar points.....cough cough, erm..... Goodnesses, Zora??!! it looks like a nouny adjectivey verby like thing to me! |
4 Dec 2008
Well, but it�s possible to add smth like "more", as "It lookes more like rain than snow", isn�t it?
4 Dec 2008
Hey Pietro
If you know all the answers, why are you asking?
The experts here have said that the sentence is wrong. And it IS wrong -like it or not.
You are being extremely rude to these kind, caring and helpful teachers here at the forum. If you know all the answers - don�t ask. L
4 Dec 2008
"I don�t feel like reading today" means "I am not interested in reading/don�t have the desire to read today and I am not planning to do it."
"feel" and "like" go together in this context. (it is a phrasal verb)
4 Dec 2008
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