Dear Napster,
If the sentence actually reads:
"The lion lurks its_____ ." with one word missing, then it doesn �t make sense to me.
Oxford English Dictionary: LURK verb; no object. "To be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something". "A ruthless killer still lurked in the darkness!" "Danger lurks beneath the surface".
If, instead of �lurks �, the verb was �hunts �, or �awaits �, or �stalks �, the sentence could be:
The lion hunts its prey / game / victim / quarry / kill / target / mark.
However, the sentence, as written above, with one word missing, does not make sense to me.
Although it won �t be a satisfactory answer to you, I hope that it helps you.
PS. In a University Forum, a little bit like this one, (except that students are expected to make a contribution), a �Lurker� is a student who makes NO contribution, but �lurks around�, doing nothing, simply waiting to pick up all the useful information posted by other, more conscientious students.