In my opinion the site has lowered it īs standards or is it just me?
It maybe be me or I might have let myself have too many Chinese Whiskeys before passing out but it looks like the site has lowered it īs standards. Now it has been almost a year since I really had time to look on this site. Most of the more vocal persons that were on here don īt seem to be on here but have only view the site a few times in the past week. Or have I become skeptical? It could be possible. I lost my wife and had all my electronics stolen in December and just replaced my computer with a cheap one recently. Sadly my belated wife and my birthday just passed so that could also contribute to my thoughts. But it seem to be more strict rules on load ups on the site even though there are a whole lot more they seem to be greatly lacking. I find very cheesy or documents filled with multiple mistakes. maybe it is just the ones I looked at to add enhancements to my classes since my time has become greatly limited between school, teaching and training sessions here in China which I find greatly lacking. Please someone prove me wrong! Today only saw 12 items that even had real reasons to download and not just being kind to a new person. Not sure which day I can view the comments but please share your thoughts. |
6 Nov 2010
Rooney, he who is without "sin".....if I look at what you wrote above......
BTW, I found only 10 ;o)))
6 Nov 2010
Perhaps it is just a matter of educational aims or needs, type of pupils or methodology... I can only say that publishing and downloading materials from this site is usually very useful for me. Greetings from Spain!
6 Nov 2010
manonski (f)
Maybe you īre like me, you have enough material already because you īve been on this site long enough to accumulate enough. I rarely download anymore but it does not mean it īs because of lower qualities. I still see amazing printables but these days, I only take what I īll really use.
Sorry for all the troubles you īve been through in your life. Hope the next 12 months will be better. |
6 Nov 2010
Greetings pisiflor. for the other person... well guess you should reread it.
One of the arguments a year ago is that when we create a worksheet is it should be in color and black and white if we create in color. Plus we should add answer key to show where we were thinking when we created our worksheet is what I want to add. the other argument was on colloqiaulism English should it be added or focus on standard English in regular worksheets. I see a lot of collogiaulism English being used, but then again my workbook in the school I am currently at uses a lot of London colloqiaulism English which is not used even in other parts of England and especially where I am from in the USA.
blunderbuster it is Roney not rooney... a different heritage and family. but don īt worry about being called crazy. been called that before so that doesn īt bother me. |
6 Nov 2010
Ronny, I just īope your post was writen under the influense of some Chineze wizkey. Their were allot of spellign mistakes mate. I second BB. |
6 Nov 2010
manonski (f) your one of the old school individuduals I referred to that took the time to take real pride in the work you created and took the time to reference your material before you put it on this site. or at least to me it seem you took the time to do some real studies in what you created. Sadly I lost a lot of the materials I had downloaded with the lost of my computer on my external drive.
It seem it was professional thiefs and they took the time to go through my boxes to look for the external drives and disks I had stored up in different locations in the house I was living at last December 1st. It happen to be a day my belated, her mother and I was out of the house all day. I won īt go into the full story but will state my patriarch stated I can īt come home unless some promises are fullfilled. I am from an old school family. My children and adopted children said don īt worry about it but i do. Now they say it in words but understand where I come from. I have not 1 but 14 adopted children that are alive. They do make me very proud because before I took them in they were labeled troubled kids and have done things to make me proud even in what some people classified as low level jobs. I told them as long as they do their best in the jobs they like I will support them to my fulliest. Some where on their way to long life in prison but since became college graduates in many different fields of life. I know it is greedy for me to wish finacial support from them but won īt ask for it and have and willing to continue to live homeless with just the thought that I have reached even 1 person to make them a better person. Both of my ex īs were the same way, God rest their souls and we have been homeless more times than I really care to think about. |
6 Nov 2010
Lina Ladybird
Hi, Roney!
I īm very sorry to hear about your personal problems and disasters. I wish you more luck and happiness in the future...
On the one hand you claim this site has lowered its standards, on the other hand you say that there are stricter rules than one year ago. That doesn īt really make sense to me, sorry! ;))
BTW, we (the moderators) are neither allowed to judge the quality of wss nor can any contribution be reported for the reason that it contains loads of mistakes!
Imagine what would happen if we started deleting the work of those members who upload wss full of mistakes!! Some users would certainly bubble with wrath, and every second thread in the forum would be a complaint about this "injustice" I īm afraid.
Just don īt download those wss you don īt like and be happy about the ones you do like is the only advice I can give you...
Have a nice day/evening - Silke
6 Nov 2010
Have to add this since I been told there were alot of spelling mistakes. I counted 1 mistake in it. (be should be is) but when it comes to a lot of spelling mistakes please share where you think I made a mistake. I am using proper English and spell check. Now as an American I claim Engish and bad English. |
6 Nov 2010
Thanks Lina Ladybird... I also remember your comments from a year ago... the other reason I have some comments saved from my email from a year ago but had the worksheets saved in a different area. There was a ladybird that had some fairly interesting remarks as so as an individual that lived in Japan from Australia. Believed the two of you made some great contributions through other people |
6 Nov 2010
Lina Ladybird
Roney, you shouldn īt worry about spelling mistakes or typos at all... Philip just feels the urge to pick on that every time he possibly can! He once told me that he probably suffers from some kind of meticulous disorder. |
6 Nov 2010