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Watching Movies at the lessons
Watching Movies at the lessons
Do you watch movies at your lessos? Let �s speak about it?
6 Nov 2010
Yes, I do. Winnie the Pooh, Disney stories, etc. with little ones and Harry Potter, Hair, Forrest Gump, etc. with the older ones. Then we talk about it, I ask questions...YL create projects. I also mostly switch on the subtitles too, especially when the movie is more difficult to understand.
6 Nov 2010
Hi anna, most of my students are 14 - 19 so I �ve watched comedies with them , mostly.
"Duplex", "Matilda", "Beddazled" are some they �ve enjoyed a lot.
We do some pre-watching activities and I usually let them watch the movie completely as I �ve noticed they prefer not to be "interrupted". If they liked it, they really pay attention and are ready to do the post-watching activities. There are some nice ws here to work with movies ! |
6 Nov 2010
Thanks. What kind of tasks did you use after watching?
6 Nov 2010
I work with topics with the older students. If one of our topics is The Fight for Freedom - after weeks of working with this subject - we �ll watch a film that give a visual perspective of the subject. I think it �s important not to show just any old film.
The topics I �ve worked with:
Planet Earth - film: An inconvenient Truth Racism - American History X - Paperclips, Mississippi Burning Identities - A Walk to Remember Teens, then and now - Stand By Me Teen Gangs - The Outsiders - West Side Story Violence - Bowling for Columbine - Jo Jo White Consumerism - The Diary of a shopaholic and more........
For the younger students - I make worksheets about the film I �m going to show them. build up their vocabulary with keywords, wordsearches, crossword puzzles and reading. We discuss the subject and then I show them the film. Mathilda - Spy Kids - Enchanted - Eregon - etc.
Hope this helps L
6 Nov 2010
Gee, I envy those of you who can afford the time to watch full movies / cartoons with your Ss. I do watch but only bits. I rely on youtube - with older Ss I downloaded a number of Friends episodes and have them watch it without sound - then discuss in groups what the scene might be about, then write the script and act it out - vote for the best / funniest / most original, you name it script and finally watch the scene with sound and compare: a whole class discussion. This takes more or less than 30 minutes. I sometimes design a quick watch and answer the Qs Ws (e.g. What are the names of the main characters? Who phoned? Why? etc.)
Another cute activity is to have Ss in pairs, one facing the screen - student A, the other one with his / her back to it - student B. Student A watches the scene without sound and describes it to his / her partner in as much detail as possible. When done, T asks the B-students to re-tell the story while insisting that the A �s remain as quiet and serious as possible. Encourage the B �s to give details, even if they are a far cry from the original story. Ask questions and show your interest e.g. � Is that so? Really? That �s odd! Wow! Did they? Why on earth they did that? What happened next? � Finally, allow Ss to watch the video with sound - compare / discuss.
Hugs, Gabitza
6 Nov 2010
With the comedies I always prepare ws for comprehension. And if the sts are of a very low academic performance I let them read subtitles in English while they watch, at times ...
Depending on the sts "personality", so to speak, I �ve watched "Requiem for a dream" (20-22 year-olds) and "The pursuit of happiness" - if I recall the name correctly.
I �ve watched these two with sts who are going to take FCE next month so I just asked questions and they answered but not like Q and A, more like a critical thinking kind of activity : "What would you have done if ... " , " Do you agree with ..." , " What other way would you find (to solve the problem) " , " Is it right / wrong that ... " etc. It �s so nice to listen to their opinions ... and it really motivates them to talk. |
6 Nov 2010
Dear me, sometimes I feel I could teach just using movies and not coursebooks... but that �s just a movie fan talking:)))
So glad you started this topic, because so many people have already given great ideas.
As for me, I love using them with all levels and find the extremely useful and motivating. I work on wss, ppts, projects, posters, story writing, even competitions... |
6 Nov 2010
Hello! I LOVE watching movies in the classroom! Sometimes I have the older students read the book to the movie first and then we watch the film version. We can compare and see what parts of the book were left out. A good one for this is "Dear John" . The book and the movie are quite different and the story is great for teens. Also, we watch a sitcom episode and then I have the students create a dialog where they have to tell someone about what happened on"The Big Bang Theory" last night,for example. There are tons of things you can do with film. Just put on your thinking cap and invent something new. Have fun with it!!!! |
6 Nov 2010
Danitraverse - if there is a book - we read it first too!
6 Nov 2010
miss fer
Working with movies is something great and our students profit a lot from that. I teach children and teenagers. With my younger students we always watch bits of movies related to the topic we are working with. For example, if we are dealing with "the body" we watch a part of "Monster Inc", if we are working with "The Family" we watch "The Incredibles" and then they complete ws or we do a speaking activity related to that. Luckily in this site there are plenty of ws we can use in this way. I do not advise watching the whole movie with children, though. They �ll get easily bored and in my opinion it �s not profitable. With teenagers, on the other hand, I usually do this type of video lesson as a trigger for the topic we �re going to start working with. For example, a few classes ago we watched an episode from Friends related to Halloween in order to activate their schemata and then we discussed what they knew about this traditional holiday in the USA. I �m grad we �re giving our opinion on this, it �s a really interesting topic! Have a nice Sunday!
7 Nov 2010