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Ask for help > What is she like? Can this question be used for physical descriptions?
What is she like? Can this question be used for physical descriptions?
What is she like? Can this question be used for physical descriptions?
I have always taught that this question is used to describe somebody �s character. For example when the answer is: "she is intelligent, shy and hardworking". But for physical descriptions, I have always taught that the question is : What does she look like?. (I ask this question because I have seen a worksheet in today �s contributions whose title is this and it refers to physical appearance)
What do you think about this?
Thanks in advance for your help
Yolanda |
11 Nov 2010
I also think it can only be used to ask about somebody �s personality (I �ve also found this on the web), but maybe a native speaker has a different opinion? Looking forward to some native speakers � answers!
11 Nov 2010
I think not. What does she look like? is the correct version. But I guess the native speakers know better... Sophia PS 2 magneto: again
11 Nov 2010
Again, Sophia? Looks like you �re my Ukrainian alter ego
11 Nov 2010
If someone asks me "What is she like?", I �m probably going to describe the person �s character, abilities, personality, etc. I might toss "tall" or "pretty" or something similar into the mix, but that �s not going to be the focus of my description.
I �m trying to think when a physical description might answer that question. Hmmm. Maybe if you were asking me about her as an athlete, then I might say something about her being being tall and agile or short and quick or maybe long-limbed so she has a great (tennis) serve or handles hurdles well.
Perhaps if you were asking me about a beauty pageant contestant--comparing one with the rest of the contestants--I might say she is dark-haired and blue-eyed, but would still probably include that she is quite or bubbly or something else about her personality.
Those are the only scenarios I can come up with at the moment in which I �d respond to the question with any physical descriptors.
11 Nov 2010
I would answer by describing the person �s personality or character. Like Sue, I might add a word about her physical description, such as she is beautifull, but the main focus would be on the personality and character.
I would say she is easygoing, hardworking, and a little bit shy. |
12 Nov 2010
I think it rather depends on the context as Sue has said.
A: �We �ve got a new boss at work. �
B : �Oh. What �s he like? �
A: �He seems Ok but he �s quite strict about our time-keeping. �
A: �My brother �s new girlfriend is really beautiful. �
B: �Really? What �s she like? �
A: She �s got long, brown hair, legs that go on for ever and a lovely figure. � |
12 Nov 2010