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Yesterday īs thread...
Yesterday īs thread...
This is related to yesterday īs thread:
The same thing happened to me, and I īd love to know how and why?
I uploaded my PPT on 11/11/2010, several hours before Spanish midnight. I took this screenshot (and blanked out the PPT image because my intention is not to advertise) 14 minutes before Spanish midnight, yet, as you can see, it already has a download, BEFORE it hit the īrecent contributions � list. How and why, please tell me!?
12 Nov 2010
hi, maybe somebody dowloaded a nice worksheet from you yesterday and then decided to check out all the other worksheets you have and they downloaded the new one that shows in your account, as soon as you post a worksheet it is in your account and if somebody wants to download it before it hits the new constibutions, they can do so.
hope the mistery is solved........ |
12 Nov 2010
I īll tell you why you have a point or two before midnight Spanish time... it īs probably because somebody, like me who is in a hurry all the time lately, uses the search box for a specific topic. When they (or I) get the results, we check out the new uploads option first, instead of going for the most downloaded ones...
I don īt usually have time to go through the new worksheets, so I tend to "use/spend" my points on newer uploads if they suit my needs... and I am guessing that others do the same as I do and that īs why you have points before it īs added to the daily contributions.
12 Nov 2010
Silly me, I never considered that people are able to download something BEFORE it hits īnew contributions � I somehow thought of it as īunavailable � until hitting īnew contributions. �
It was a mystery to me, thanks for shedding light! |
12 Nov 2010
Thanks, Linda. A much more credible and honest explanation for this phenomenon - for me, at any rate - of members seemingly being unable to wait for the next day īs new contributions page to appear. |
12 Nov 2010