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Helping New Members
Helping New Members
There have been numerous forum comments about the problems that new members have in accumulating the initial 30 points needed to become a Premium Member. In addition others have asked about paying for materials rather than having to submit their own.
New members are informed of the sharing ethos of the site and are encouraged to submit their own contributions. Each are directed to wonderful worksheets by French Frog and Icha amongst many others, but the problem is that new members cannot download these instructional worksheets until they have any points.
Can I suggest that these particularly valuable and informative instructions, which show how to make effective worksheets should be made available for free for new members. I feel sure that contributors like FrenchFrog and Icha would not begrudge losing the points they would gain on these sheets - but that is for them to comment.
There was a wonderful worksheet on reducing the size of images and how to manage pictures submitted by an Irish Contributor - I cannot recall who, which you could also include in helpful worksheets.
Just an idea. |
5 Dec 2008
Helen McK
It�s really nice to know that you think my worksheet How to reduce file size and improve your worksheets is helpful. I have to think of a shorter name for it though . This printable was available for free yesterday, but unfortunately the site was down for much of the day . I was tearing my hair out about that because as a relatively new user of the site myself, I joined 3 weeks ago, I�m trying hard to accumulate points. |
5 Dec 2008
A Good Morning To you all! I couldn�t agree with you more Logos! It�s not by giving them the points that they are going to learn how to improve their work so that we may feel it useful to download their worksheets. The Tutorials you mentioned, including yours Helen (which I found excellent), would do that! I really liked your suggestion. Let�s see what other teachers and Victor think of it. A nice day to you all. I have to go to classes now. |
5 Dec 2008
A lovely thought Logos but as you point the site�s ethos is sharing. Sharing between members, members who have paid their dues and have earned their place within this amazing community. And as hard as it might be for newbies, we were all there, we all had to wait, some of us longer than others. And a fact of life is that the latter you join in the game, the harder it is to play. Nowadays the choice is of top class worksheets, is quite frankly mind blowing. Therefore, I strongly feel that newbies should earn membership. (I was one of the luckier members. It was a lot easier to accumulate the points needed, even a short time ago. But there we go, you snooze you loose.) That is my opinion, and possibly a member with only 90 odd points shouldn�t shout his mouth off as much as I just have but nevertheless I think that the majority of members, being as kind hearted as they are (JUST LOOK AT THE MESS BOARD) shouldn�t be placed in a position were they feel that �they should�.
And it irks me no end, (in fact I find it quite insulting) when someone suggests that they can �buy� their way in.
I would love to know what Victor indents to do with this site in the future because it is getting / has got so big it must take lot of his time and not knowing about these things quite possible money as well.
And to Vickiii, very well put. The ever diplomatic.
5 Dec 2008
I think that people are making a lot of fuss over nothing. �Although the tutorials are great, not having them is not a b arrier to getting those 30 points. �Many many new members have been requesting this or that worksheet from other people, or asking people to download their worksheet for no other reason than to help them. �The point of this site is about sharring. �I share therefore I can download. �I share more therefore I can download more. �Although there are a few members who have more popular worksheets this basic rule applies. �If you want more points upload more. �It�s simple. �When we start making exceptions, we devalue the point system and it�s almost getting to the point that we could do away with the point system altogether and just have every worksheet free, regardless of how many worksheets users have uploaded. �That would effectively destroy this site. �we are all teachers we are all capable of helping without giving for free, because every time we do, we are devaluing this site.
It�s not difficult to get 30 points, Although worksheets improve after reading the tutorials, and although�I agree that new memebers should download these first,�they�re not a prerequisit. �We have a wonderful community that likes to help, that likes to share, but every time we devalue this site, we make it a little less helpful and a little less sharring. |
5 Dec 2008
Although Logos� ideal is an excellent one, I am beginning to feel that there are too many impatient people on this site. It does not take too long to make one good worksheet. We as teachers should be accustomed to doing that. I am sure people can see what type of worksheets are on this site. It just takes a couple of hours of time and creativity to accumulate the 30 points. I have no objection, however, if other members are willing to allow their tutorials to be downloaded for free in order the help new members create better worksheets. |
5 Dec 2008