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Assembling larger 3D-objects
Assembling larger 3D-objects
Hi there,
I just waned to send some encouragement to those members that have tried to assemble larger 3D-objects like 12-, 20-, 30-, 60-sided dice, and who might have given up while doing so.
It takes some time, patience, finesse, the right glue and laminating pouches with the right thickness.......but don �t give up. Once the object is finished you will feel proud and your students will be impressed, believe me.
Good luck!
14 Nov 2010
Olindalima ( F )
Hi there
Thanks for the encouragement ! I never gave up. I tried and managed, not that much of time and patience or fitness. Just another task and work, as the other ones. Thanks a bunch for your concern Linda
14 Nov 2010
well, Linda, I am what they call dexterous, but I just about gave up gluing one together, lotion on my hands is helping me to remove the excess glue...this one was friggin hard, I won �t go higher than 60, all hopes and dreams to tackle 120 are buried ;o)) But it �s finished and closed all the way ;o))
14 Nov 2010
Olindalima ( F )
Don �t dare to give up. Not such a woman!!!! Do some cleaning, looks as you have your fingers with some little bits of glue, nothing that a good lotion can �t solve.
So, step ahead and do the rest, or you won �t be, anymore Regina.
Good luck, Regina
Call me and tell me
" I DID IT "
Linda ( I have some nasty jobs waiting, too; laminating and cuting and so on, ....nasty job!!! Well, just one more -- go for it )
14 Nov 2010
I did finish, hence the encouragement ;o)
14 Nov 2010