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Is it right? |
Can you take a look if my translation is right ( inglish translation)
I need it to prepare some test to my school
thanks in advance.
I gave the right translation in portuguese too.
Do you believe that using a dishwasher can be ecological?
A new dishwasher from Electrolux, the LE06B, arrived the market in March with strong marketing scheme. The text of the product release, titled "New Electrolux dishwasher is ecological and can be customized," says a dishwasher consumes one-seventh of the water used in hand washing, to help protect the environment. " Wait a minute, using a device that consumes electricity and spend resources to produce "helps protect the environment"? Information on consumption is research at the University of Bonn, Germany. The review shows that a family spends on average 88 liters of water per day for washing dishes by hand, while a dishwasher uses between 10 to 13 liters per cycle. The appliance also has the function Eco, which saves energy when turned on - it is less suitable for dirty dishes. This then proves that the device is environmentally friendly?
Voc� acredita que usar lava-lou�as � ecol�gico?
Uma nova lava-lou�as da Electrolux, a LE06B, chegou ao mercado em mar�o com forte apelo de marketing ecol�gico. O texto de lan�amento do produto, com o t�tulo �Nova lava-lou�as Electrolux � ecol�gica e pode ser personalizada�, diz que uma lava-lou�as consome um s�timo da �gua gasta na lavagem manual, �ajudando a proteger o meio ambiente�. Espera um pouco, usar um aparelho que consome eletricidade e gasta recursos naturais para ser produzido �ajuda a proteger o meio ambiente�?
A informa��o sobre consumo � de pesquisa da Universidade de Bonn, na Alemanha. Segundo a an�lise, uma fam�lia gasta, em m�dia, 88 litros de �gua por dia para lavar lou�as manualmente, enquanto uma lava-lou�as consome entre 10 a 13 litros por ciclo. O eletrodom�stico conta tamb�m com a fun��o Eco, que economiza energia quando acionada � ela � indicada para lou�as menos sujas. Isso, ent�o, provaria que o aparelho � ecol�gico
16 Nov 2010
The English (note spelling!) translation is amended in colour as I think it should be - only a couple of things. It �s only my opinion, but I think this sounds better.
A new dishwasher from Electrolux, the LE06B, arrived on the market in March with a strong marketing scheme. The text of the product release, entitled "New Electrolux dishwasher is ecological and can be customized," says a dishwasher consumes one-seventh of the water used in hand washing, to help protect the environment. " Wait a minute, using a device that consumes electricity and spending resources to produce "helps protect the environment"? Information on consumption is researched at the University of Bonn, Germany. The review shows that a family spends on average 88 litres of water per day for washing dishes by hand, while a dishwasher uses between 10 to 13 litres per cycle. The appliance also has the function Eco, which saves energy when turned on - it is less suitable for dirty dishes. Does this then prove that the device is environmentally friendly?
Nicola |
16 Nov 2010
There are lots of problems with the text eg.
we would not say �spend resources �
I suggest:
a device that consumes electricity and resources helps to protect the environment?
16 Nov 2010