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Ask for help > ACTIVATE! B1 (LONGMAN)
Can you help me?Are you working with the Activate! B1, from Longman? I would appreciate if you could send me a copy of the workbook. And if not asking too much, can you please send me the Teacher �s Exam Box?...
Best regards, Evelina
21 Nov 2010
go to that �s a very good site of free books...u must be registered (it �s free) and look for the book u it and ready to work :)
here is the link..but remember..u have to register first ...any doubts emailme to [email protected] luck!!!!
22 Nov 2010
Absolutely agree with you, Philip.
22 Nov 2010
this has been discussed before.
remember that not all teachers work in schools or have access to bookshops or money to pay the extortionate prices.
I am a self employed teacher, I have spent hundreds of euros on books, CDs and DVDs over the years. It �s a real bummer when you spent well over 100 euros for SB, TB, WB and CD only to find that the following september the publishers have made changes, published a new edition, and withdrawn the old edition so your students can �t buy it.
Publishing companies and bookshops make an enormous profits on books, taking advantage of the fact that here in Spain Ss have to pay for school books which cost around 200 euros for primary school.
Although I generally agree that we should play fair, but so should publishers.
22 Nov 2010
I have a situation where recently I bought a book called Result (upper Intermediate). I paid a lot for it as it had a CD in the back. The trouble is that the CD is not the one that should be used with the book. This, I presume, must be purchased with the teachers � book. This is not fair on the publisher �s side because
1) I assumed the CD would relate to the units and
2) I am expected to buy the teachers � book which I probably wouldn �t use.
Teachers do not get paid well. Of course we will take any assistance possible.
I �m all for being fair, but......
Joy |
22 Nov 2010