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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Word of the Day - SPONDULICKS
Word of the Day - SPONDULICKS
Word of the Day - SPONDULICKS
Today �s word of the day is: SPONDULICKS Is it a person? Is it a thing? Is it an activity? Where does this word come from?
No cheating! No dictionary definitions, please! Please share YOUR OWN ideas!
23 Nov 2010
Spondulicks obviously describes the behavior of your dog when you get home from work: spontaneous licks. |
23 Nov 2010
My first thought upon seeing this word was x-rated. |
23 Nov 2010
Okay, spondulicks was the original name of Spanx slimwear, but unfortunately a stripper of the same name sued for copyright and they had to change the name lol my mind is in the gutter and it �s going to stay there for this word. |
23 Nov 2010
Perhaps, it �s an advertisement abbreviation of -
A Sponge that dutifully licks your place clean for you.
(That �s my dream, anyway...)
And hi, everybody, I �m new here. Such a great and helpful community, you, guys, have! Delighted to be here!!!
23 Nov 2010
This is a surprisingly common word in Britain in fact.
23 Nov 2010
"Spondoolicks" is extremely common in the UK, as Dawn says.
Les |
23 Nov 2010
I �d be grateful, if smb. explained to me the rules of the game (new here):
Are we supposed to be creative and to suggest an original possible meaning for the word, or we should reveal its real meaning and usage (that �s not a problem)? I �m afraid, I�ve misinterpreted the rules...
Thanks a lot!
23 Nov 2010
You have it right Chud--we are looking for "daffynitions" and people are NOT supposed to give the actual definition (anybody can google it).
Be creative, have fun. |
23 Nov 2010
This is easy as only a couple of vowels have been left out. It should be spoon and due and licks
This word designs a meal or an item of food that people, especially children, love very much and can �t get enough of. Something like chocolate pudding, vanilla ice-cream, raspberry cake or spaghetti with bolognese sauce. Or spinach for some and fish fingers for others. No not fish fingers, they don �t come in a pot.
Kids like it so much that whenever their mother isn �t looking they dip their spoons into the pot and lick it to get more. They dip the spoon in because more licks are due. Mum hates it when they do that and smacks their fingers with selfsame spoon whenever she catches them doing it.
Word in usage: "pudding, ice-cream and such spoonduelicks" "When I think back to my childhood all those wonderful spoonduelicks my mother used to cook come to my mind" Or, title of a cookbook: "Spoonduelicks and other delicacies"
23 Nov 2010
Can it be?
Sparkling POuNDs DO Lucky trICKS
23 Nov 2010