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Word of the Day for Monday
David Lisgo
Word of the Day for Monday
Well, thank you Anita giving giving me the honour of choosing today �s word. I guess my definition was the most childish one given.
Today �s word is scrimshanker.
If you know the word then forget it and create a new and better definition. I �m lacking humour generally, being an over serious person, so if you make me laugh for more than 5 seconds your sure to be the winner.
So start scrimshanking or whatever you do when you partake in W.O.D. |
29 Nov 2010
Well, as you all know, scrimshaw is the art of engraving on whalebone, and shank is another word for leg. So a scrimshanker is an artist who carves on the bones of people �s legs to make patterns. A scrimshanker makes a tattooist seem downright humanitarian. I certainly don �t want to be scrimshanked myself!
Example of scrimshanking |
29 Nov 2010
Its a GHOST - Scarry Immortal Shanker (shanker - the one who walks without stopping) who makes you scream.
Usage: "I �m afraid there is another SCRIMSHANKER in my attic. I can hear him walk at night."
29 Nov 2010