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Word of the Day winner.
David Lisgo
Word of the Day winner.
Well, I asked people to make me laugh but two of the responses sent me to the vomitory, so the winner must be Liza, who at least made me smile, for her definition of the word scrimshanker. She says "Its a GHOST - Scarry Immortal Shanker (shanker - the one who walks without stopping) who makes you scream."
I was a little thrown by the walking part until I remembered what a shank was, so I guess this ghost has/had good strong calf muscles.
The real definition of the word is: a shirker or a skiver, which refers to a lazy person who will do anything to avoid work. The word skiver is not so well spread but is used in the British military and Scotland.
Anyway the winner is Liza (Chud) and we look forward to her Word of the Day.
Don �t be a scrimshanker and upload your worksheet today. |
29 Nov 2010