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Those Were the Days

Those Were the Days
Seeing that people are once again starting to quarrel and trying to define what this site is made me go back to some OLD posts on the forum.
Here is an example of what us "old timers" remember the forum being like--imagine trying something like this today:
The site to day is still a good site, in any large virtual community there will be quarrels, siding-up, rudeness, and mobbing--the important thing to remember is that these are just a minority, there is still a lot more good things than bad.
Douglas |
30 Nov 2010

Mariethe House
Or this one Douglas!
Sorry if I sound an old "croonie" but I remember my beginnings on this site when Linda/Zora and AnnaP, would ask me to mail them my ws because I did not even know how to insert an image at the time! When Frenchfrog would reply to my PM �s in the next minute ... When othe rpeople said: " Yes you can use my clipart," when phiplipR did up one of my ws making it look really nice and professional! When Ivona sent me one her books to read and I sent her a present in return, When Linda came to visit me , when I visited Anaisabel last summer, when Cheezels sent gerard, my partner lots of artistic craft ideas she had done with her kids at school! When People cheered me up when the earth stopped going round for me!! ( Douglas for example!) Do you know what I did because I felt this site was such a warm, friendly, helpful community? I paid for private classes to get to know some of the world of computers! I am not a genius but I can manage a few things I would not have managed without the support of this community! So This is what SHARING is all about! It is about generosity and real generosity! What do some people mean by:"clearing this site?" DO they want to clear it of all its valuable members , Frenchfrog being one in a hundred, hundreds, thousand? My point of view about this copied from the internet business!!If someone has taken the pains to search the internet and group the information she has found in one ws, this has saved me hours of browsing!! People steal and cheat! Why? There are lots of pointless ws everyday! Why? People want to get points to be able to access some of the ws! Let us GIVE them the ws and there won �t be any more stealing and cheating! So let us be more tolerant! WHat does all this prove? Too many rules kill the rule and will kill this community! Is that what we want?
30 Nov 2010

Many people here are still very helpful and keep up the sharing spirirt. I haven �t been here long enough to know the difference, but I really like it here.Don �t loose heart Mariethe  Sophia P.S. I �d like to add how grateful I am to those members who shared their ideas with me about blogging and gave me links to their blogs. Also thanks to Regina for giving me the idea to include info about online exercises into my ppt for a city seminar where I spoke today on Internet technologies in the English classroom and got a positive feed back. |
30 Nov 2010

I �m only sorry I didn �t discover this place back then... |
30 Nov 2010

I totally agree with Mariethe and I have already said it before here. Some people are too worried about the rules and I agree that there must be certain clear rules that can never be broken but as she says there are worksheets which are of very little value and of course they haven �t been copied but nobody is interested in them and others which are taken from old books or from other resources that nobody can have access to now and they are adapted or simply changed the layout and are wonderful worksheets that many people like and use them. Why don �t we let people speak for themselves and if a worksheet is downloaded by many people even if it is not original have it on the site?
I �m saying this because I made a "big" mistake and sent some worksheets I had used in my classes and were not original instead of the ones I had made for the site changing the questions and layout. I have had some problems with my internet connection for some days and I didn �t receive the message of my reported worksheets. The result? My account has been cancelled but here I am again trying to be more careful and learning from my mistakes.
Yolanda |
30 Nov 2010

I so remember "those" days which were no more than a year or so ago!
We shared recipes and ideas. But we also had a mad cow sheriff looking for theft and lots of people who were upset about these stolen worksheets. Thank goodness for the moderator system. Victor couldn �t keep up at the time!
We can still share what books we �re reading and recipes and ideas! all it takes is for someone to start!
Hugs L
30 Nov 2010

Douglas, I can understand where you stand in this debate but what exactly is the point of suggesting (OK, implying) how much better this site was in the past? It smacks a bit of elitism and clubbishness ( �you weren �t part of it - you �ll never understand � etc) and does nothing to make new members feel welcome. And who says that people don �t (or even, can �t) continue to share fun threads (WOD, anyone?) as well as giving help, constructive criticism and (definitely in my case) the odd grump?
Things really haven �t changed, have they? Even in her own link from a year and a half ago, Mariethe says: "what a nice change to be light and humorous!! it does a lot of good!! It makes a nice change from the so frequent complaints about ... THIS and ... THAT!"
Hardly the words of someone who thought that everything in the ESLP garden was so much rosier.
The site is still what the members make it. And make of it. I still like it and sincerely hope it goes from strength to strength (but damn, that would mean even more members who won �t remember the �good old days �).
30 Nov 2010

But you �re all still here (me, too) and it �s all about the people... and, yes, Douglas, you �re right to remind us of such times... but it �s all still here, perhaps a bit more quiet and less frequent than before... but drop by the cafe every Sunday evening and see what happens... and there still are helpful teachers, so many of them, who help despite their busy schedules, by sending support, links, advice, etc. I �ve had help from people here just this month - I was in a real slump, tired and stuck, and my creativity was at its lowest, not to mention my free time, and I just mentioned it at the cafe, and got all the help and support one could only wish for...
(Btw, nothing sinister in the following remark - perhaps people were a bit more relaxed in communicating on the forum before because we worried a bit less about what should be in the forum and what belongs to the cafe... rules are not always all that great...)
PS: Almaz, we seem to have been writing at the same time. |
30 Nov 2010
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