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Games, activities and teaching ideas > WORD OF THE DAY

Douglas has given me the privelege choosing the Word of the Day.
You know the rules of the competition. Don�t look it up, don�t google it, and if you know what it means, either keep the knowledge to yourself or join in and give us the craziest and funniest meaning. The rule is that the winner is declared at midnight Spanish time."
The word of the day is "Tatterdemalion". Let �s start the game and see what you can come up with. Have fun!
2 Dec 2010

Obviously a tatterdemalion is a tattoo artist who specializes in demonic lions. |
2 Dec 2010

Malion was a French nobleman of the 16th century and is the person most responsible the creation of the "tatterdemalion". He assembled somel of the greatest chefs in all of France to see what they could do with the humble spud. The chefs all got together and created one of the world �s most delightful treats.
As we all know tatter is another word for potatoe, de means of and Malion of course was the name of the earl. So tatterdelion means the "potaotes of Malion" or as we better know them now, french fries. |
2 Dec 2010

Well, ed is half right. It is a French term. de ma lion is French for "of my lion" Tatter means to lace. Now, people would think that the obvious definition is, of course, to lace a lion. What does that mean? No clue. But tatterdelion is another term for a dandelion (tooth of the lion). |
2 Dec 2010

Tatterdemalion is a gadget - digital translator that comes in the shape of a medalion to wear on your neck. English teachers may go home (:-((
tat - talks and translates ter - terrific de- definitely ma - magic lion - medalion
2 Dec 2010

It �s also a name of a horrible monster in Nordic Mythology.
Tatter-de-mali-on - The one who may tear you to tatters and is deathly malignant.
Remember "Beware the Tatterdemalion, my son..."?
In everyday speech: "Just look at you! What happened? Have you been caught by the Tatterdemalion and that�s why you look such a tatterdemalion?" 
2 Dec 2010

Tatter is who takes care of elderly "Tata". demanded a lion. ????????
2 Dec 2010

Tatter- as in "in tatters" (torn apart)
de- of
ma- my
lion- lion
Tatterdemalion is the name the lion tamer gave to his wife the morning after she found out he was having an affair with the pretty tightrope walker and he "accidently" locked her into the lion �s cage for the night.
The lion tamer was quite surprised to find his wife alive the next morning. The fact is, when he arrived the next morning all but one lion were cowering in the corner in fear of her and one lion (the lead lion) was torn into shreds in the middle of the cage--never underestimate the power of a scorned woman.
Douglas |
2 Dec 2010

Comedian Ron White �s other name is Tatter and some good old boy showing him his lion "Hey Tatter de ma lion, what �s you thunk?" or in my home... "pass tha tattars and gravie over de while ma is lion on her lazy butt..."
Hey I grew up in the Southern part of America...  and sadly you can hear that type of talk in several homes... and we Americans speak good Inglish...  |
2 Dec 2010